The grasses in the genus Pennisetum grow in savannas and woodlands throughout temperate to tropical climates. These plants exhibit feathery, spikelike panicles atop linear leaves in summer and autumn. Grow fountain grasses in containers, grass gardens, mixed herbaceous borders, and rock gardens; they are particularly effective en masse. The inflorescences are suitable for dried and fresh arrangements. Note: Many species self-sow and may become invasive in warmer regions.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsThese grasses create delightful textures, with flower spikes that glow in the sun and wave in the breeze. There are many forms and sizes, some with deeply colored foliage, that are adaptable to a wide variety of garden sites.
CareGrow in light, average, well-drained soil in full sun. Cut back previous year's foliage by early spring.
PropagationDivide in late spring or early autumn. Sow seed in early spring at 55° to 65°F.
ProblemsRust, eye spot, leaf spots.