
December Regional Garden To-Do Lists

Photos (from left to right): Kristin Green, Kristin Green, and Laurel Startzel

December can be a hectic month no matter where you live. There are holiday parties to plan and attend, presents to be bought, and food to prepare. Some of us have to deal with snow and ice removal; some must prepare their gardens for the occasional frost.

Learn more: Garden Chores to Tackle in Late Fall and Through the Winter

It can be tempting to give up on the garden for this final month of the year, but there are many good reasons not to neglect your plants. Gardeners in the southern states can still plant spring-flowering bulbs and bareroot trees. December is good time for northern gardeners to clean, prepare, and prune before the coldest weeks of winter set in.

If you’re still feeling motivated, indoor plants are always a great option, and the garden can be a great source for homemade holiday decor. Discover how to get some winter interest, or just find out how to help some of your garden survive, with our regional garden to-do lists.