Garden Photo of the Day

March in Carla’s Garden

Celebrating early bloomers

vase of bright yellow daffodils

We’re in Malvern, Pennsylvania, today, visiting Carla Zambelli Mudry’s garden and seeing how early March looked there.

March 2024 so far is roaring in like a lion. There is rain one minute, followed by snow and sleet squalls, and wind roaring through the trees in our woods.

close up of clump of snowdrops in bloomAll of a sudden there are snowdrops (Galanthus, Zones 3–8) everywhere.

close up of white and purple hellebore flowerHellebores (Helleborus hybrids, Zones 4–9) are blooming too.

close up of bright yellow daffodils in bloomAnd the early daffodils (Narcissus hybrids, Zones 3–9) are coming up all over.

close up of small yellow crocus flowersThe past couple of years I have been planting bulbs in my lawn. It’s a Stinzenplanten lawn. I have years to go before I have it where I want it, but it’s thrilling to see the smallest of daffodils and crocuses and more coming up. I will be splitting Galanthus and adding them to the mix in the lawn next.

close up of purple crocuses about to bloomMore crocuses in the lawn, holding their buds tightly closed on a cloudy day.

close up of purple crocuses in bloomWith sunshine, the crocus flowers open.

close up of bright yellow miniature daffodilA miniature daffodil in bloom looks just like a standard daffodil but is smaller and more delicate in all its parts.

close up of bright pink camellia flowerSome of the camellias are blooming—like my favorite, the glorious red ‘Balustrade’ (Camellia japonica ‘Balustrade’, Zones 6–10), developed at the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia.

tree peony buds before bloomsThe tree peonies are also budding up, and new growth is pushing out to produce this year’s leaves and flowers.

view of cloudy sky and tree tops in late winterThe drama of a March sky

vase of bright yellow daffodilsA vase full of daffodils brought inside allows them to be enjoyed up close.

This is an exciting time of year, when everything old is literally new again. Welcome to early spring!


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View 6 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/25/2024

    Everything is so pretty.

  2. User avater
    simplesue 03/26/2024

    Ahhh a lovely spring post of your garden, I love the reddish buds on the Tree Peony twig!

  3. shegardens 03/26/2024

    Thanks for introducing me to “stinzplanten.” I had no idea that there was a specific Dutch name for the practice! Last fall I introduced my newly married and wannabe gardener granddaughter to the idea of planting crocuses in her lawn. We both enjoyed them last week in our separate lawns, but this morning they are under a heavy blanket of snow.

  4. btucker9675 03/26/2024

    Lovely Spring garden and that hellebore is particularly stunning!

  5. [email protected] 03/26/2024

    Wow! It has been an incredible year for crazy weather! So much rain and snow across the country. It is interesting to see how snow birds welcome spring surrounded by snow. We, in California see very little snow unless we decide to visit the mountain areas. And yet, I pine for summer even here in northern CA. I see spring as a teaser for what is coming. My front porch is bursting with the fragrance of Spanish jasmine and my oldest clematis has fat blooms ready to open. Our daffodils are mostly spent, but our redbud trees have garlands of tiny fuchsia flowers all along their branches.

  6. MohawkValley 03/26/2024

    Very nice . We here in central NYS got over a foot of snow on Saturday , so we're still in the melting stage . Everything WAS looking good prior to that --- even got yard work and gardens cleaned . It's March --- it happens .

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