Clothed in lustrous, dark green foliage, Camellias are natives of Japan and China. They produce large, elegant, rose-like blossoms that range in color from pale ivory to shell pink to glistening crimson. The flowers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They may be single, semi-double, anemone form, peony form, rose form double, and formal double.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsSmall to medium shrub with glossy green leaves and very showy flowers.
CareCamellias require a humid, temperate climate to thrive. In North America, Camellias are best grown from northern Washington, D.C., down along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts into Texas, extending along the Pacific coast of California up through coastal British Columbia. Camellias are fairly hardy and easy to grow in the right environment.
PropagationIn late July or August, take cuttings about 4 inches long, and insert them into pots of coarse sand to which a very small amount of peat has been added.
ProblemsSpider mites, scale, canker.