Reliable Plants - Fine Gardening

  • reblooming perennials

    Reliably Reblooming Perennial Plants

    There are many things to consider when selecting a herbaceous perennial plant for the garden. Some slots are for sentimental plantings, like a piece of Grandma’s peony from the family…

  • Toffee Nosed Red Hot Poker

    Perennial Rebloomers for the Northwest

    Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, "...the criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…

  • Back to the Fuchsia Salvia

    Perennial Rebloomers for Northern California

    Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, "...the criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…

  • Antique Linen Daylily

    Perennial Rebloomers for the Southern Plains

    Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, "...the criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…

  • perennial rebloomers

    Perennial Rebloomers for Your Region

    Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, “The criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…

  • Bloody Mary Rodgersia

    Reliable Performers for the Mid-Atlantic

    We all want the newest, jazziest plants available, but a garden is not complete without a backbone of infallible plants that provide interest whether your new investments flourish or fail.…

  • Design

    Reliable Performers for the Northeast

    We all want the newest, jazziest plants available, but a garden is not complete without a backbone of infallible plants that provide interest whether your new investments flourish or fail.…

  • Dark Towers Penstemon

    Reliable Performers for the South

    We all want the newest, jazziest plants available, but a garden is not complete without a backbone of infallible plants that provide interest whether your new investments flourish or fail.…

  • Design

    Why Aren’t You Growing More Baptisias?

    Years ago, I decided to plant a baptisia in my small garden. I was willing to give up precious space to such a large plant in expectation of the vibrant…

  • Disanthus

    Unexpected Fall Color

    After months of bitter cold temperatures, snow, freezing rain, and every other miserable element nature throws at us, gardeners are eager to visit their favorite garden centers and nurseries. There…