I recently did a road trip to Toronto with herbalgalpals to attend the International Herb Association’s annual conference. Here are a few highlights besides the road trip itself–gardens for you to visit vicariously, or next time you go to Canada–or put them on your list of things to do. Both the Toronto Botanic Garden (www.torontobotanicgarden.ca) and the Niagara Parks Botanical Garden and Horticulture School (on the Canadian side) are worthwhile places to visit. I was also surprised at the lovely plantings at the Falls themselves. The masses of flowers and herbs there were healthy and thriving–I think due to the constant humidity.
Having seen photos or film clips of the Niagara Falls, they were not how I imagined them at all. There is talk of the U.S. side and the Canadian side and I thought it was the same falls viewed from different borders. However, there are two falls–both huge and impressive–and it is a major sensory experience. I heard the falls before I saw them; I felt the moisture in the air before seeing them (depending on which way the breeze is blowing, one can get soaking wet–which feels pretty good on a hot day–though is not too good for the camera) and the sight is mesmerizing. Continual thunderous crashing of water and a billowing mist of moisture. Not to mention a crush of humanity from all around the globe. I am glad that I went.
Besides gardens, the conference was inspiring with speakers on every subject from Boreal Herbs, sea buckthorn, neem, to gardens of healing, how to stay healthy and how to raise a kitchen garden. I presented on Savory, Herb of the Year 2015 and made a few recipes to sample, which I will post after this blog. The planning committee for the IHA conference pulled off a great event from good speakers, great field trips, a huge herbal marketplace (one of the best ever) and they even got the hotel to prepare a wild foods dinner (kudos to the chef); and as usual, we ended with our banquet dinner and auction. Next year, the IHA conference will be held in November in Florida. (www.iherb.org)
The post-conference tour was to Richters Herbs in Goodwood, Ontario. Conrad Richter and his wife, Aku, are carrying on the family business started by Conrad’s father, Otto Richter. It is a great place to visit, or if you can’t make it there, Richters has an informative catalog (nearly an encyclopedia) and sells herbs, vegetables, roses, books, herbal products and more. www.Richters.com
Hope your gardens are growing–the harvest season is upon us–so better get busy! Not to mention it is time to plant fall crops.
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