Garden Photo of the Day

More Seasons in Toronto

More photos of a terrific Canadian garden

Cheri Barnett shared some incredible photos of her Toronto garden with us recently, Four Seasons in Toronto, and we’re thrilled that she agreed to share some more images of her lush garden with us today. She says,

In June, my garden displays a vivid selection of chartreuse with Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra, Zone 5 – 9), hostas, variegated sedum (Sedum ‘Autumn Charm’ Zone 3 – 9), Paul’s Gold juniper (Juniperus chinensis ‘Paul’s Gold’, Zones 3 – 8) contrasted with lovely purple flowers cascading from waterfall Serbian bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana, Zone 3 – 9).

In spring, my variegated iris (Iris pallida ‘Variegata’, Zone 3 – 9) spires, attract attention, along with the variegated hostas, dark leaved heucheras and flowering lamium (Lamium maculatum, Zone 4 – 8).

White David Phlox (Phlox paniculata ‘David’ Zone 4 – 8) provide height behind the dark sedum. In the front, orange and yellow sunset gaillardia (Gaillardia x grandiflora, Zone 5 – 9) show their robust colors beside a variegated hosta, and variegated iris.

Diablo crocosmia (Crocosmia ‘Diablo’ Zone 6 – 9) shows off its radiant scarlet flowers. In the background is a variegated phlox, a blue star juniper (Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ Zone 4 – 8), and a variegated hosta.

A colourful mix of phlox, displayed with Veronica spicata (spike speedwell, Zones 3-8) towering over Japanese painted ferns (Anthyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’ Zone 5 – 8), and a ‘June’ hosta. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies adore these flowers.

A stone cherub waiting under the snow, excited for the new season of gardening that is about to start!



*Correction: The garden in Cheri’s recent submission, Four Seasons in Toronto, were misattributed at publication. The original post credited the gardener as Deanna Cobb. This is incorrect. Cheri Barnett is the gardener. Thanks to Cheri for her understanding, and for sending in more pictures for us to enjoy.

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  1. Maggieat11 03/16/2018

    Cheri, I absolutely love your plants combinations!! Two Green thumbs up!!

  2. garden1953 03/16/2018

    Your gardens are gorgeous!

  3. Vezpasia 03/16/2018

    Beautiful, I just love your combinations of colour and planting’s, perfect. I too can’t wait for spring planting. More snow today in Collingwood, though, sigh! How big is your garden?

  4. cheryl_c 03/16/2018

    Hi, Cheri, I won't usually admit to zone envy for a zone NORTH of our zone 6, but when you can put sun lovers like sedum and gaillardia, next to hosta and Japanese forest grass, and have them thrive like yours, I do confess to being envious! Your gardens are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. user-7038538 03/16/2018

    verry cool post ! <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
    /> :)

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/16/2018

    Looks wonderful, Cheri. I love how you plants play so well together: so neat, tidy and complimentary.

  7. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/16/2018

    Good morning, Cheri. Being a sucker for blues and chartreuse, you had my attention with that first photo. Beautiful combos. Does your Serbian bellflower like to spread in your zone as much as mine does in my zone 8b garden?

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/16/2018

    Hi, Cheri, your first photo elicited a drool response (ha, not the best look for me) as I gazed upon the tumble of Japanese Forest Grass and cascade of the purple from the, love, love that combination. And, I appreciated the editors making the correction about your previous GPOD sharing. I remember being a tad puzzled at how those enviable plant combinations (hosta with sun lovers like phlox as a backdrop) shared the same amount of sunshine. An impossible trick in a southeastern state like the one I live in.

  9. btucker9675 03/16/2018

    So beautiful! Someone get that angel a jacket... : )

  10. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/19/2018

    Cheri, I don't know if you will see this comment but everything is just gorgeous. I am garden envious ;)

  11. user-7003263 03/21/2018

    Once again, beautiful combinations of plants. You have a natural touch when it comes to creating colorful and interesting beds.

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