Garden Photo of the Day

Lindsey’s Garden in the Mountains

From weeds to beauty

fire pit with view of the cabin

We’re visiting Lindsey Cline’s garden today.

My husband and I bought a log cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia about eight years ago. The property was a field of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum, a highly invasive annual weed), which we transformed into a cottage garden with many edible and pollinator plants. Along with owls, raccoons, and turtles, we’ve learned to garden with deer and groundhogs. Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum species), muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris Zones 5–11), boxwood (Buxus species and hybrids), and spicebush (Lindera benzoin, Zones 4–9) are some of my favorites and link the garden together.

the back gardenThe back garden includes a garden pavilion and beds with blueberries (Vaccinium hybrids, Zones 5–9) and jewelweed (Impatiens capensis, annual).

a single potted pansy blooming on tableA single potted pansy (Viola × wittrockiana, cool season annual) blooms on a table just beyond the back stoop of the house.

shade garden plantingThis beautiful shade garden planting uses a variety of different textures and colors of foliage (most of them native species) to create a wonderful composition that needs no flowers.

fire pit with a view of the cabin The front of the cabin lies just beyond this very appealing firepit.

gourds on the front porchFall display of gourds on the front porch

path leading to the gardenFrom under the grape arbor, the path leads on to the rest of the garden.

hammock featureA truly wonderful garden feature is hammock in which to lie back and enjoy it all.

wild geraniumA native plant garden features the flowers of the wild geranium (Geranium maculatum, Zones 3–8), which is native to wooded areas of eastern North America.

raised bed gardensA gate leads to some of the raised bed gardens.

A shaded corner of the garden.A shaded corner of the garden

View 16 comments


  1. runfortheroses 11/09/2021

    Tastefully done! Great plant combos. Rustic but refined

  2. Jay_Sifford 11/09/2021

    There's something spiritual about the mountains, at least in my mind. I'm so glad that you worked with that spirit of place rather than forcing the land to be something that it's not. You've done a beautiful job,. I can tell that you really enjoy spending time there. Congratulations.

  3. nwphilagardener 11/09/2021

    The photos feel as if taken by someone other than a gardener since the focus on the manmade elements far more than the botanical. The fire pit, the hammock, the gate, the watering can are the stars and the greenery a supporting player. That, however, doesn't make the garden any less inviting. It shows us how to make gardens that beckon us to move through and imagine ourselves there.

  4. davlinkun 11/09/2021

    Beautiful, Peaceful , thank you

  5. davlinkun 11/09/2021

    Blue Ridge Garden :Beautiful, Peaceful , thank you

  6. User avater
    user-7007816 11/09/2021

    What a beautiful oasis you have created. Great job.

  7. coastalgardener 11/09/2021

    Lush and lovely. I also love the addition of the hammock and fire pit. Very inviting.

  8. katherine_8 11/09/2021

    Your garden and property and home look like a little slice of heaven to me. I'm glad it's not all dressed up with urban type flowers but rather left more natural and laid-back. I also love the shade plants which, as you say, "create a wonderful composition that needs no flowers." Your fall pumpkin & gourd display put a huge smile on my face. All so lovely and homey :)

  9. User avater
    treasuresmom 11/09/2021

    Oh, my. I am so jealous.

  10. Begonia155 11/09/2021

    Beautiful area! How blessed you are!!!

  11. wittyone 11/09/2021

    This looks like a comfortable place to relax and enjoy the backwoods. It's tempting to stick flowering things everywhere with all that space to work with. Limiting beds and beds of flowers and adding amenities that can be leisurely enjoyed really makes for an inviting place to call home.

    Love that little stone mushroom near the fire pit, or is it a little sitting place for a kid?

  12. User avater
    simplesue 11/09/2021

    Oh I'm love'n your garden and cabin!
    It's a peaceful paradise fit for man and beast to enjoy!
    I love seeing people's homes/cabins in context to the garden- it shows the "big picture" of how they relate to one another.
    Your Solomon’s Seal inspires me to plant some more in my own garden.
    The garden table/chairs, hammock and fire area really make this garden a magnet to relax in and take in nature.

  13. btucker9675 11/09/2021

    This is a truly wonderful garden - people must love coming to visit you! It's all so harmonious and lovely.

  14. madcosta_7 11/09/2021

    I live in Virginia and it is a beautiful state. Your place is heaven, wow!!! Love driving through the Blue Ridge especially this time of year..

  15. bsavage 11/09/2021

    I love your home and gardens! So lovely, and it looks so peaceful and private! Very pretty!

  16. Ruchal 11/10/2021

    Please tell me how you were able to get rid of the Japanese stiltgrass.


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