Garden Photo of the Day

Have year-round color with bright hardscape

Flowers aren’t the only color in this garden. These colorful chairs add extra visual pop.

Welcome to the Fine Gardening Garden Photo of the Day blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green. Sign up to get it in your mailbox, so you’ll always remember to take a look. We look forward to sharing our garden travels with you. If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images to [email protected] with GPOD in the subject line. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

View 2 comments


  1. CARMARR 01/06/2010

    Cute chairs - where are they available?

  2. arboretum 01/06/2010

    It's easy to say that these chairs are delightful(what fun someone had imagining and then painting them). But from the view of their surrounding garden, it seems that they are not complemented by their surroundings. A few impatiens do not a colorful garden make, and a colorful garden with bright bold flowers of all heights- is what this garden needs in order for there to be a cohesive memorable garden experience here, worthy of these unique chairs.

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