Garden Photo of the Day

A melding of plants and hardscape

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

This wall isn’t a prominent feature at the Chicago Botanic Garden. If I recall correctly, it’s situated near the bathrooms. But it deserves a more exalted location! I love how the planted side mimics the brick portion, with its protruding lines. Understated and classy, don’t you think?


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  1. Deanneart 09/29/2011

    Very creative wall treatment.... love it

  2. skevanston 09/29/2011

    I have long admired this spot at "my" garden. I am glad to see it get the recognition it deserves!!

  3. arboretum 09/29/2011

    terrific. makes me think about ".....and which do you prefer?" particularly when you extrapolate and think about parking garages, city parks, etc.

  4. ThomasMickey 09/29/2011

    This summer I visited the English garden at the Chicago Botanical Garden. loved the several garden areas in one garden. feelings changed as I moved around, depending on what I saw and heard, like water. Loved it.

  5. Joyce70 09/30/2011

    I, too, love this wall.

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