Variegated Foliage - Page 2 of 12 - Fine Gardening

  • 'Katherine' garden phlox

    The Best Garden Phlox

    Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 4–8) is one of those “memory” plants for me—a plant I remember from a long way back, before I even knew…

  • Miss Willmott’s ghost and ‘El Nino’ hosta

    Create a Garden with Cohesiveness

    Have you ever noticed that the best gardens have a seamless continuity? These spaces, which are often featured in gardening books and magazines, always seem to flow together beautifully because…

  • Japanese Maples

    Enchanting Japanese Maples

    Two experts pick their favorites based on color, shape

  • Plant Guide

    Gold-dust plant

    Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'

    The dense, glossy foliage of this evergreen plant is splattered with yellow.

  • Plant Guide

    Canna Tropicanna Gold

    Canna var. “MACtro’

    Tropicanna Gold is perhaps the showiest of all of the variegated cannas and one of the best for hot, humid, sunny southern gardens.

  • Plant Guide

    Helena’s Blush™ euphorbia

    Euphorbia Helena’s Blush™

    This hybrid has petite green-and-cream variegated foliage with a hint of pink on the undersides.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Pink Chablis’ spotted deadnettle

    Lamium maculatum 'Pink chablis'

    ‘Pink Chablis’ has pink flowers above silvery gray leaves edged with dark green.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Marginata’ winter daphne

    Daphne odora ‘Marginata’

    This winter daphne has yellow-margined leaves and rosy pink flower buds that open to white.

  • Plant Guide

    Japanese variegated willow

    Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’

    The branches of this shrub are slightly upright, taking a softer fountain shape as they lengthen.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Tasmanian Angel’ bear’s breeches

    Acanthus mollis 'Tasmanian Angel'

    With their white margins and mottling, the jagged leaves of 'Tasmanian Angel' are a real showshopper, and in late summer, 3-foot-tall, pink-and-cream flower stalks heighten the effect.