Plant reproduction - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    The Science Behind Plant Division

    Divide to multiply. Even the language of this common garden practice hints at its paradoxical power. Division is a simple method of vegetative propagation that involves separating a perennial plant…

  • How-To

    Keep Your Veggie Garden Going

    Most gardeners are used to growing or buying spring seedlings to establish their vegetable gardens. But what happens when spring is over and early crops have been harvested? After the…

  • colorful drawing of a plant and root

    Caring for Plant Roots: What You Need to Know

    Roots are often overlooked by gardeners but deserve to get more attention. Of course, they are usually underground and out of sight, so it’s somewhat understandable why they are largely…

  • ‘Orient Express’ eggplant

    Fast-Growing Vegetable Varieties for Short-Season Regions

    Gardening in regions with cool, short summers like the Pacific Northwest and northern New England can create challenging conditions for heat-loving crops. For folks in the extreme South, heat can…

  • Various native perennial seeds and leaves

    Native Perennials to Start from Seed

    Growing native perennials from seed is easier than you might imagine. If you choose species that are adapted to your climate and growing conditions, it’s likely that you can start…

  • salad plate with edible plants and a fork

    Flowers That You Can Eat

    For years we’ve seen flowers used as garnishes. Peppery nasturtium flowers (Tropaeolum spp. and cvs., annual) add a nice bite to salads, and violets (Viola spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness…

  • Display of several seeds on a wooden board

    Seed Saving Made Simple

    For most of today’s gardeners, the growing season begins with a spring seed catalog. But for those who save seeds from year to year, the next growing season begins as…

  • Masterwort

    Plants That Keep On Giving

    One of the first rules that novice gardeners are ordered to abide by is the necessity of using—and, hence, buying—a minimum of three of the same plant. For aesthetics’ sake,…

  • Dahlia flower

    An Easy Way to Get More Dahlias

    There are two ways to grow hybrid dahlias (Dahlia cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 9–11): by planting tubers or by growing plants from cuttings. Both methods will produce healthy plants and…

  • Article

    Ways to Improve Pollination in the Veggie Garden

    Procreation in the garden is pretty simple. The pollen from a flower’s stamen has to find the ovary (pistil) in another—or sometimes the same—flower; the plant is now pollinated, and…