june - Page 2 of 3 - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    Southern California June Garden To-Do List

    Do some last-minute planting. Call me crazy, but I love June gloom. We all know that the heat is going to come and stay for a while, so I always…

  • How-To

    Mountain West June Garden To-Do List

    Care for your containers. As new annuals get established in their containers, provide them with regular moisture. As the month goes on, deadhead plants to encourage continuous blooming, and provide…

  • How-To

    Southeast June Garden To-Do List

    Divide bearded irises. If your garden includes good old-fashioned bearded irises (Iris × germanica, Zones 4–9), ask yourself when you last divided your clumps. If it’s been longer than five…

  • How-To

    Northwest June Garden To-Do List

    June in the Pacific Northwest is a wonderful time to garden. This time of year, the weather is changing quickly from spring’s short and cool days to summer’s pleasant days…

  • How-To

    Pest Alert: Agave Snout Weevil

    What is an agave snout weevil (Scyphophorus acupunctatus) you ask? We asked the same thing a few months ago when we noticed one of our American century plants (Agave americana,…

  • How-To

    How to Fight Back Against Japanese Beetles

    When summer begins in your garden, whether on the patio or in the landscape, an ecosystem of living organisms brings insects to the front and center. The appearance of Japanese…

  • Design

    Rock Roses Shine in Spring

    Midspring is an amazing time of year in the garden. There is so much energy, excitement, and over-the-top color. One of my favorite plant families for this season is Cistaceace,…

  • Design

    Use Gorgeous Ground Covers as a Living Mulch

    Ground covers make a perfect mulch. These ground huggers hold in moisture, keep weeds at bay, and look good in the process. Many are fine sources of pollen and nectar…

  • Design

    Great Self-Seeding Annuals

    The spontaneous charm of self-seeding annuals has a place in every garden. A seed packet, purchased once and direct sown, multiplies over the years as seeds falling to the ground…

  • Design

    Tips for the Best Northern California Cutting Garden

    Do you love creating your very own home-grown, colorful floral arrangements, but are you constantly plundering your perennial beds for the perfect blooms? An annual cutting garden, designed and dedicated…