attract birds - Fine Gardening

  • bird feeder wreath

    How to Build a Bird-Feeder Wreath

    In winter, food can be hard for birds to come by. Using materials from your yard, you can make a wreath that both feeds them and looks good while doing…

  • bird in a shrub

    Designing Bird-Friendly Gardens in the Mountain West

    One of the unexpected benefits of working from home during the pandemic has been watching what happens in my yard throughout the week. It has brought me both delight and…

  • Highbush Blueberry

    Plants for Birds in the Northeast

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: "Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Hardy Sinningia

    Plants for Birds in the Southeast

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: "Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Winter King Green Hawthorn

    Plants for Birds in the Midwest

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: "Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Little Bluestem 

    Plants for Birds in the Southern Plains

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Bitter cherry

    Plants for Birds in the Mountain West

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Design

    Plants for Birds in the Southwest

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • Pacific Wax Myrtle

    Plants for Birds in the Northwest

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • plants for birds

    Plants for the Birds in Your Region

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is that songbirds are disappearing: "Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have…