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How to Deep-Plant Tomatoes

Give your tomato plantlings a head start by planting them the smart way

Gary Junken, Produced by Antonio Reis

There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to plant tomatoes. To ensure that your plants are as healthy as possible, and to get the biggest yield possible, you’ll want to deep-plant them. Deep-planting sounds like a simple concept, and it is not hard to do, but why do it? When you deep-plant your tomatoes, the buried part of the stem shoots out additional roots, which help to stabilize the plant. This is no small thing for a tomato plant, which can get large and unwieldy. With a strong root base, the plant can support a larger stem and branches, which also means bigger tomatoes. Learn the process for deep-planting tomatoes by watching the video with Fine Gardening executive editor Danielle Sherry and following the steps below.

Deep-Planting Tomatoes

Materials needed

Trowel, tomato plant, and a prepared bed


  1. Remove your tomato plant from its container. (Note: peat moss containers also need to be removed.)
  2. Pinch off any branches from about halfway down your tomato plant to the root ball.
  3. Dig your hole so that the surface of the soil will sit a couple of inches below the lowest remaining branch.
  4. Fill your hole, and water your plant.
  5. Make sure that you place a tomato cage or support over your plant now, while it is still small.

More info

Learn about caring for and harvesting your tomato plants the right way by watching these videos:

How to Prune Tomato Plants

How to Train Tomato Plants

How to Harvest Tomatoes

Previous: The Basics of Planting Tomatoes Next: How to Grow Tomatoes in Containers
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