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Cherry’s Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes

A frequent contributor to Garden Photo of the Day shares some of her hanging baskets and window boxes

container with light pink flowers and peach foliage

Welcome to day 2 of Cherry’s awesome container creations! Today we’re seeing her hanging baskets and window boxes. If you missed day 1, click here to see more of what Cherry has done with plants in containers.

hanging basket with silver foliage and pink flowers

hanging basket with colorful foliage and bright pink flowers

close up of hanging basket with red and pink flowers

hanging basket with lots of purple foliage

hanging basket with yellow foliage and pink flowers

window box with silver foliage and red flowers

hanging basket with yellow and white flowers

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Previous: Cherry’s Colorful Containers Next: Michelle’s Containers in California
View 11 comments


  1. user-1020932 06/11/2013

    now THOSE are some hanging baskets! better to call them hanging gardens, you have made a convert here as to hanging containers. yours are great

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/11/2013

    Cherry, your hanging creations are Stop in your Tracks gorgeous...absolutely breathtaking! I am embarrassing myself by drooling on the computer keys. Each one is so lushly unique.They really are works of living art...thanks for the inspiration.

  3. wendyk_nova 06/11/2013

    Spectacular and inspirational, Cherry! Thanks so much for sharing. I especially love the hanging basket in purple tones.

  4. tractor1 06/11/2013

    I especially like potted plants because of their mobility. Cherry's creations are wonderful.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/11/2013

    As great as your plant choices are, I love the details of some of the hangers: the rusted chain, the smaller link-chain, and the great hanging container with the simple metal scroll work. Is that a repurposed-something?

  6. sheila_schultz 06/11/2013

    Personally, I think hanging baskets are the most difficult to design. Cherry, you work magic! I'm inspired!!!

  7. user-1020932 06/11/2013

    came back for another look now i want hanging baskets . these are chock full of plants / many of which i would never have thought of using in a hanging container. cherry, you have given me the courage to think outside the basket. these are amazing

  8. cwheat000 06/11/2013

    Stunning Cherry! I am generally not a huge fan of common wax begonias, but I love the way you used them in the last photo. I have never seen them mixed with the larger tuberous begonias. The large yellow begonias bring out the tiny yellow accents of the white wax begonias. The way you used them, I almost didn't recognize them; so charming. What a great use of an inexpensive easy to find plant. My other fav is that pink/apricot coleus/verbena and sedum combo; unique and awesome!

  9. perenniallycrazy 06/11/2013

    Thank you everyone for your generous and very kind comments. I am gushing!

    vojt: Wow - how observant are you of the little details.

    The wrought iron scroll hanging baskets were a Mother's Day present from my hubby and the kids. =)

    We originally hung the baskets from the brackets as you can see in a couple of the photos. My hubby thought that we would appreciate them more if they were in a lower position. Watering them would also be easier. We got the chains at a hardware store which had a vast selection - you can have them cut to any length desired. After hanging them on the chain, my hubby noticed that we couldn't keep the basket at the intended direction so he added the S hook (Photo 2). We both like the vintage look so he was able to find longer rusty S hooks later (Photo 3).

    Earlier, my friend Sylvia got a Hanging Basket Pulley to make watering easier but it broke during the same season so we nixed that idea.

    I think the chains do add that rustic or charm that we were looking for and they do cost less than the Pulley ($14.95 at Lee Valley Tools). No need to worry about being weathered in the elements as well.

    Cheers and happy gardening to you all! Look forward to more gardening adventures.

  10. Quiltingmamma 06/12/2013

    I'm chiming in a little late, but you have a wonderful eye (and hand) for pots and baskets. These are beautiful. I tend to forgo hanging baskets due to requiring daily watering, but I would be happy to make a point of visiting these daily to see the details and the overall effect. Are you a florist as well?

  11. dirtgirl1949 06/12/2013

    Oh Cherry - you have me drooling with sheer envy at your amazing and stunningly beautiful baskets. Just love them. Here in Sydney, it is very difficult because of our climate to get baskets to grow like that and every time I see photos of baskets in overseas countries the envy bug returns!!
    Meander1 is so correct with her description - 'works of living art' indeed they are. Thank you for sharing them with those of us who can never achieve that level of artistry with our baskets.
    The only thing that grows well in hanging baskets here apart from Zygo cactus (Christmas cactus I think you call them there) is weeds.....

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