Alabama - Page 2 of 23 - Fine Gardening

  • spring plants and bulbs on both sides of a brick path

    Dodie’s Alabama Garden

    My name is Dodie. I’ve been gardening in northern Alabama for 15 years. Our urban property is in a historic neighborhood in Decatur. It had a wonderful backbone of plantings…

  • shrubs for shade in the south

    Shade-Loving Shrubs for the South

    Finding interesting plants for shade can be a struggle, but when you add in the desire for that plant to be a woody shrub, the list narrows even more. But…

  • southern native plants

    Southern Native Plants That Can Work in Almost Any Garden

    The South has much more to offer the rest of the country than the culinary delights of barbecue pork, pimento cheese, and fried green tomatoes. Strolling through woodlands of the…

  • Sweet box with discolored foliage

    How to Protect and Revive Plants After an Unexpected Freeze

    The 2022 holiday season in the South and southeastern United States blew in with a winter storm that will not soon be forgotten. Our region missed much of the snowfall…

  • Discolored and dry needles on a Japanese cedar after an unexpected freeze

    How to Protect and Revive Plants After an Unexpected Freeze

    The 2022 holiday season in the South and southeastern United States blew in with a winter storm that will not soon be forgotten. Our region missed much of the snowfall…

  • a large white flower growing in the middle of smaller pink flowers

    The Harvey Garden in Texas

    My name is Ryan Harvey, and I have been gardening with my wife, Kristin, and our Yorkie, Emmitt, for eight years in Austin, Texas, Zone 8b. We focus mainly on…

  • seeds to sow in fall

    Sow Seed in Fall for Annuals in Spring

    It might sound counterintuitive, but when the possibility of cooler weather arrives in fall, it’s time to think about spring flowers. Some of the best spring bloomers only do well…

  • swallowtail butterfly on bright pink flowers

    Ashland Terrace Garden

    We’re visiting with Ric McGee today. In 1999–2000 the nonprofit retirement community I directed was renovated and expanded. An avid naturalist, I designed and raised funds for a community cutting…

  • broadleaf evergreen for the south

    Interesting Broadleaf Evergreens for the South

    In an episode of Fine Gardening's podcast, Let's Argue About Plants, the hosts discuss the importance of evergreen plants, and the particular perks of broadleaf evergreens: "The key to any…

  • scarlet lady runner beans

    Reliable Vegetables for Fall in the South

    In our part of the South, “fall” is more an idea than an actual season. It’s hot, hot, warm, and then one night there is a hard freeze. We’ve been…