Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Ann’s garden in New York

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Vesei

Happy Monday! Today’s photos are from Ann Vesei in Mount Kisco, New York. Ann says, “I garden on a little 1/3 acre property that used to be shaded and overrun with weeds. Through the last ten years, after my children went off to college, I turned my energy towards my passion for gardening, and now it is everybody’s favorite place to spend time in the summer and fall.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Vesei

“I like to experiment with plants that are that are just barely within our zone, like camellias, water lilies, even a fig tree. I am also experimenting with contrasting colors and textured, leafy, non-flowering plants. Our garden changes from full sun in the spring to mostly shady by the end of the summer. We made a pond; it is my pride and joy, since frogs, an array of birds, even foxes from our woods come to visit. My favorites are the hummingbirds, which love the butterfly bushes and the nectar we put out for them. It gives me great joy to create a space with so much beauty.” Lovely, Ann!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Vesei
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Vesei
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Vesei

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/30/2012

    I am captivated by that amazingly large leafed plant on the edge of the pond. It is positively sumptuous! I hope Ann will share the name of it.

  2. hobbit1 04/30/2012

    I also am loving that large leafed plant on the edge of the pond. Different names keep going through my head, just from years of watching gardening shows and looking at plant catalogs. Possibly gunnera, petasites or darmera. Just guessing, almost looks like a ginger on steroids.

  3. Sterline 04/30/2012

    I, too want to know the name of the large plant near the pond. Love it!

  4. cwheat000 04/30/2012

    Hi everyone. I think it is a petasites. I love that plant, but it is one that should be contained underground ( with a lot of moisture , it can get a little to happy). Lovely garden Ann. I went to high school one town away from your town.

  5. tractor1 04/30/2012

    I like the statue in the pool. ;) That's a lovely glassed room overlooking the garden, I bet there are lots of nice plants inside. What is the tree in that large pot? A very interesting eclectic garden.

  6. SusanCinMKE 04/30/2012

    I think the large plant by the pool is a variety of ligularia. I had one that didn't grow that large, but didn't have the right growing conditions. Lovely yard!

  7. sheilaschultz 04/30/2012

    What a lush garden... no wonderful everyone wants to hang out!

  8. Garius 04/30/2012

    I agree with cwheat000 - I think it is petasides (Butterbur) too. And I also agree with the comment about containing it. I have it growing beside my driveway and this spring it pushed up through the asphalt. It's spreading along the length of the driveway in a patch between the driveway and a fence (and I noticed it coming up in my neighbour's yard on the other side of the fence). In another couple of years it should meet some obedient plant spreading from the other direction. I wonder which will win the war. It's possible they could even coexist - should be interesting.

  9. greengrowler 04/30/2012

    Love the "butterbur" as well - wonder if it would grow in Zone 4-5? Maybe it would be more well-mannered as plants typically grow 1/3 less in dry Colorado... Eclectic is the perfect description of your serene garden.. Thanks for sharing, Ann!

  10. pattyspencer 05/01/2012

    The very first picture is my favorite. Looks like a really nice cozy nook

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