Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Kathy’s garden in New York

--Late Summer-- 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr

Today’s photos are from Kathy Sturr in Clayton, New York, waaaaaay up north, near Lake Ontario and the Canadian border. Kathy says, “This is a section of my garden I call the bird & butterfly garden. It was the first area of my garden I created. I have tried to include perennials that offer seeds and nectar for butterflies and birds.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr

I have planted bee balm, black-eyed susans, daisies, echinacea (purple cone flowers), helianthus (perennial sunflower), and swamp milkweed (which can be a host plant for monarch caterpillars), just to name a few, as well as some ornamental grasses. I love how this border changes through the seasons.” What a great transformation, Kathy. Thanks for sharing this garden with us, and the birds and butterflies!

Kathy chronicles the making of her garden at her blog, The Violet Fern. Check it out!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kathy Sturr

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  1. 03/06/2012

    Hi Kathy. love your gardens. Any chance I can come take a look this summer? I will return to my home on Wellesley Island in late April or early May and am always looking for new garden ideas. Keep up the good work

  2. 03/06/2012

    What a neat piece of drift wood. It gives the impression its a heron there in your garden. Lovely overall!

  3. 03/06/2012

    What a wonderfully lush composition of flowers. I especially like the close up of the lavender swamp milkweed leaning down to the black eyed they are whispering secrets. Ha, maybe gossiping about which visiting butterfly they thought was prettiest!
    And like Steepdrive, I, too was struck by the piece of driftwood and how much it reminded me of the arching neck of a heron.

  4. 03/06/2012

    Love your composition and thank you for sharing before and after shots, and the driftwood is wonderful. I see herons, swans and ducks on the cove everyday but never thought to add one to my gardens. It is so artistic and clever! And,the summer and fall pictures give us an idea of what you see throughout the season - awesome.

  5. 03/06/2012

    All those plants remind me of how I keep the beds around my deck, as hodgepodge of various nectars and seeds, to attract birds and butterflys, especially the hummers. One year I planted giant sunflowers, not realizing that birds can't get to the seeds while they are still growing... after cutting the flower heads (the size of trash can covers)the bluejays attacked with a vengence, they are masters at opening and devouring sunflower seeds. Good job, Kathy

  6. 03/06/2012

    Your home must be filled with flowers all summer long... how fun for both you and all of your winged friends!

  7. 03/06/2012

    Beautiful! Love the driftwood, especially the heron.

  8. 03/07/2012

    Love the diversity of plants and I thought that driftwood was a goose at first - lol

  9. 03/07/2012

    Thank you, how fun and encouraging to read your comments. It just makes me want to garden more, more, more! The driftwood "sculpture" is intended to mimic a Blue Heron as there are many along the St. Lawrence River here. So glad you got it! 1000islandKathy - would love to share gardens! Let me know when you are settled back at the river and we'll figure out how to get together.

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