Garden Photo of the Day

Plants That Worked This Summer

A Canadian gardener shares some of her success from this summer

Cherry Ong of Richmond, British Columbia, has contributed to the GPOD many times (if you’ve missed seeing her earlier posts, check out this one of some of her amazing gardens), and she just sent in some wonderful images of her garden at its peak this summer, along with one shot of her new gardening buddy!

The reddish color of the leaves of this tall Japanese maple is echoed in the beautiful foliage in the containers below it. The yellow variegated Japanese forest grass brings a contrasting color and texture in between.


I’m always amazed by how much color you can get just from leaves! Colorful foliage plants make for containers that put in a display that lasts much longer than flowers would but is just as beautiful. Read this to learn about simplifying your color scheme and creating eye-catching contrast in your garden.


Bright yellow-green foliage is the unifying thread of this scene in the garden.


The genus heuchera has some of the best foliage out there, and by mixing different varieties of heuchera together, Cherry has created an incredible tapestry of contrasting color.


Another tapestry of contrasting foliage color, this time from succulents! Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum spp.) dominate here, showing off just how diverse this easy-to-grow group of plants can be.


A row of pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp. and hybrids) shows again how much diversity and contrast you can get from carefully choosing within a single group of plants.


Cherry’s new gardening friend! This cutie would like to remind everyone to stop and smell the flowers.


A wider view of part of Cherry’s garden. I love the diversity of textures and colors visible here just from foliage. Read this for texture combination ideas!


A close view of an inspired combination of two different coleus and a Japanese maple. These three plants have a lot of common, but there’s enough contrast in color and shape to make them really show off wonderfully together. The backdrop of bright green foliage below also really makes the darker-colored leaves show off beautifully.


Have a garden you’d like to share?


Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

If you want to send photos in separate emails to the GPOD email box that is just fine.

Have a mobile phone? Tag your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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View 27 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 09/20/2018

    Cherry, everything is amazing. Love it all.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Thank you.

  2. Chris_N 09/20/2018

    I'm with treasuremom. Everything is beautifully composed and inspiring.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Awww, thank you.

  3. cheryl_c 09/20/2018

    Beautiful pictures of your always beautiful gardens! Wow, two days in a row of Sarracenia ! And your succulent tapestry is truly inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      I know (re: 2 days of Sarracenias)! I think this is the first time Jeff and I had back to back photos which I think is great. Thank you so much for your kind comments. Hope you get to enjoy planting and growing hardy sempervivums and sedums too.

  4. user-5117752 09/20/2018

    Simply beautiful!!! The lusciousness, the colors, your choices of coleus put together particularly with the maple made me warm all over!!! Thank you, Cherry, for taking the time to share your marvelous gardening skills!!!

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Thank you for your very kind comments.

  5. sheila_schultz 09/20/2018

    As always, your colors, textures and combinations come together beautifully and comfortably. I'm particularly enchanted with the rectangular planter filled with the different varieties of Sarracenia and moss. They are perfection together!!!

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Awww, thanks Sheila. Can't wait to see progression photos of your new garden.

  6. toweringpines 09/20/2018

    I like the heucheras in a pot. How do you overwinter them?
    Your gardens are incredible.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Thank you Towering Pines. I treat my coleus as annuals since I do not have a basement nor greenhouse to overwinter. I pot up some perennials during the summer and transfer them to the same containers during fall for some fall and winter interest.

  7. annek 09/20/2018

    Ahhh, Cherry, you have created nirvana. The colors, shapes, textures and diversity are complexly unified. I am in awe!

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Hey, I'm in awe of your acreage garden! Thanks.

  8. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 09/20/2018

    Had to check this out when I saw that it was your garden, Cherry. Everything looks so lush despite the dry summer. Amazing what a little fall rain will do. Of course, Broccoli is your biggest garden asset.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Yes he is. Now if I can only continue to keep him from eating the succulent flowers too. Thanks Linda.

  9. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/20/2018

    Your late summer/early fall garden croons such a gentle and enveloping lullaby, Cherry. I feel all cozied up in warm colors and soft textures. And what a totally cutie patootie pup you have. What a wonderful life he must have.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Our youngest child now! (And based on research, he's gonna be a toddler forever.) Thanks Michaele.

  10. btucker9675 09/20/2018

    What a stunning garden - would love to take a long, slow stroll through it in the company of the adorable little Frenchie!

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      Come on over. Thank you BTucker9675.

  11. Luvfall 09/20/2018

    Love the picture of the heuchera. I’m trying to create a similar tapestry effect in an area that needed reworking. And it’s nice to see gardeners responding to questions and comments again. I’ve missed that aspect of the GPOD lately.

    1. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2018

      I guess we all love heucheras. What’s not to love about them right? Why do you think people don’t answer ? Is the site too difficult to navigate?

      1. Luvfall 09/21/2018

        Perhaps because the ‘reply’ button doesn’t appear unless you are logged in?

  12. mainer59 09/21/2018

    I'm a day late in reading your post, but I love it! Question: what is the ground cover under your pitcher plants? It sets them off perfectly! Thanks.

    1. perenniallycrazy 10/02/2018

      It's two kinds of scotch moss. Sagina subulata and Sagina subulata 'Aurea'. Thank you.

  13. ancientgardener 09/21/2018

    Everything is perfect. You are the ultimate gardener. The heucheras in a pot were my favorite. Wonderful that they come in such a variety of beautiful colors these days.

  14. Maggieat11 09/21/2018

    Cherry, it is always a pleasure to see your gorgeous photos. You have such an incredible knack for fabulous combinations. And such a rich assortment of awesome plants. Thanks so much for sharing!

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