Garden Photo of the Day

Patty’s garden in Washington, Day 1

My husband and I built our home in a hillside apple orchard.  We incorporated apple trees into our garden. This is a perfect spot to drink our morning coffee!

Today's photos are from Patty Clark out in Washington. She says, "My husband and I purchased two hillside acres for their southern exposure and beautiful rural and mountain views. We wanted to create a relaxed and casual garden that would flow with the surrounding apple trees. Way before the internet I would study garden design by bringing home stacks and stacks of books from the library.  When designing my garden I had specific goals and guiding principals. My new home and garden had to fit into our hillside landscape; meaning we would not bulldoze everything into a flat space. We carved out large levels from the slope and created three multilevel garden spaces. I had to be patient…..we developed one level at a time over over the last twenty years." Beautiful, Patty! ***More photos from Patty's garden tomorrow….stay tuned!

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Again we incorporated the 60 year old apple trees into our garden plan. This is our perfect spot for bird watching!

I encourage all gardens to become a Certified Wildlife Habitat. It's an easy online process and even a gardener living in an apartment with a deck can be certified!

This pic shows my main level garden room with the sidewalk to our front door.

My main level shade garden is full of hostas and conifers.

This pic shows 'Invincible' and 'Francee' hostas, and Alchemilla with a spruce standard.

I designed this Moon Gate Arbor to connect my north and south facing garden rooms. It is smothered with 'Russell's Cottage' (a pre-1826 rambler) and 'Francis Lester' (introduced 1946) roses.

My garden room is pretty much lime, purple, and pink. This pic shows 'Royal Pink' cotinus, 'Limemound' spirea, and 'John Cabot' rose.

AFTER: My upper level lawn features dry stone stacked walls.  We planted Norway spruce and 'Sunburst' locust 20 years ago.

BEFORE pic of our upper level area.

Here is a pic of our new fire pit we put in last summer.

We named our garden Clark Park! 'Karl Foerster' grasses are planted in front of our rail fence.

I spruced up a bare unattractive wall with a pot garden! I winter over all the pots in my garage.

This is my lower-level garden room.

View 37 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/15/2015

    Whew, Patty, the picture that showcases your moon gate arbor smothered in roses is the very definition of is truly divine! You and your husband have created such thoughtful and beautiful garden areas. It must be such a pleasure to stroll about or sit a moment and be surrounded by so much loveliness. I am fascinated by all the gnarly character in the bark of the 60 year old apple tree and, oh, that swing...what a treasure. Love to know the story behind it...was it made by a local artisan?

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thank you for the kind words. I found the hanging chair in an Anthropology / Free Peeple catalogue.

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 04/15/2015

        Hi, again, Patty, since you are being such a good sport about answering questions, do you recall the name of that adorable roundish evergreen right near your wildlife habitat sign? And, while I'm at it, how about the bluish upright one that is its neighbor?

        1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

          The light green dwarf conifer is 'Gold Pin Cushion Cypress',
          Chamaecyparis pisifera and the blue dwarf is 'Blue Surprise Cypress',
          Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. They were planted 6/10 in the west facing stone planter with little growth.

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 04/16/2015

            Thanks so much for going to the trouble of passing on those names. Did a little googling about them and it seems 'Pin Cushion' is a very slowing growing dwarf. I would love to find one for use in a year round pot composition. Your placement of it is perfect!

  2. NCYarden 04/15/2015

    Praise for the patience and your diligence and personal efforts to create such a delightful garden. Quite the reward. The views are amazing, and I love the topography. Thank goodness you didn't level it - so much more dynamic. The stone work is impressive; that must have been some chore. That moon gate is quite a treat too, so much so I think I would like to do something similar as an inviting pass from front to back in my garden. Thanks for the inspiration. Your garden name and plaque are great, even the little bird statue seems to sing out a welcoming announcement, and the tall allium sculptures are truly dramatic. This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thanks for your kind words. I found the allium sculptures at the Seattle Flower and Garden Show several years ago.

  3. wGardens 04/15/2015

    What a fabulous "reward" for all your vision and hard work. And a treat for us to see. Your roses are spectacular! Especially like the photos of the hosta/conifer and handled pot and your "pot" garden. Great rock with your "name" and the bird! Lovely everywhere!

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015


  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/15/2015

    Great site, plants, stonework and vision! What more could you ask for. The zonal geraniums really caught my eye. They're such great plants!

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thanks for the kind words.

  5. greengenes 04/15/2015

    Good morning! Patty, you have created a beautiful place! Wonderful views, great rocks, and totally nailed it on your plantings! Every picture showcases an outstanding design! It was good to see what you started with and then now. You must live in eastern Washington? Your roses are gorgeously full of blooms and vibrant! Its so fun to create garden rooms and if you would of made it flat it would be harder to use as much as you have in gardens. Ah...its just all beautiful! Iam running out of adjectives! Thanks for sharing with us all!

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thanks for your kind words. I live in the Yakima Valley.

  6. annek 04/15/2015

    Well, I don't know which photo to exclaim over the most! What beautiful beds, delicious outdoor rooms, and exquisite color. Like Jeanne, there aren't enough adjectives to apply to your well tended gardens. The moon gate and rose arbor made me swoon, the 60- year old apple tree with swinging chair had a yesteryear charm, and the fabulous lavenders and blues in the fountain picture were a joy to behold. Your photos were a wonderful way to start the day
    Just a few quick questions...what material have you used for the edging by your rose arbor? What material did you use for the 'floor' of your gravel pit? I'm loving it all.

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thanks for your kind words! The edging for the moon gate arbor are basic treated 2x4s. The flooring of the fire pit is crushed rock; maybe basalt. I wanted a darker color rather than gravel gray

      1. annek 04/16/2015

        Ahhh, does the crushed rock keep out weeds (relatively) well? Treated 2x4s...gotta have some of those

        1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

          Yes, the layer of chrushed rock is thick enough to keep weeds out of the fire pit area ??

  7. katieerb 04/15/2015

    This is absolutely gorgeous! I love that Patty worked with the land to incorporate this beautiful space instead of destroying it. I also love that it is a garden put together over time.How wonderful to have various vantage points to enjoy, I look forward to more photos tomorrow. Well done!!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Thanks! Patience and planning pay off?

  8. digginWA 04/15/2015

    Super work, Patty. It must be so rewarding to stroll through the garden, knowing that you did this. I envy you eastsiders the ability to grow that purple pennisetum into something so grand. The vista from the fire pit would have me out there every night, just sitting and soaking it in. And I do love a pot garden with that collected look ... thanks for sharing.

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015


  9. GrannyMay 04/15/2015

    Wonderful, Patty! You have made the most of your gorgeous hillside property, thanks to your vision and lots of hard work. The dry stack stone walls framing the level rooms are perfect for that setting. I love the Moon Gate arbor buried in Old roses! The fragrance from those and your other roses must carry throughout, adding yet another dimension to enjoy. The striking lime, purple and pink theme works beautifully to add pops of colour and excitement to the serene green views as do the metal artwork and the pots. Thank you!

  10. GrannyCC 04/15/2015

    How lovely to live in the Yakima Valley. it is a beautiful area and you certainly added to it. All your garden rooms are delightful and so full of lovely colours. Amazing rock work. I admire how you have developed the different levels. Delightful to look at with my morning coffee.

  11. schatzi 04/15/2015

    What a beautiful way to start the day. Lots of thought and sweat equity went into the creation of this garden. Lovely.

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Thanks for your compliment!?

  12. sheila_schultz 04/15/2015

    It must be so exciting to have a vision and then have the opportunity to act on it over the years. Your garden rooms are wonderful not only because of the great plantings, but also because of your thoughtful designs incorporating the slope of the land. Lovely!

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thank you for your nice comments!?

    2. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thanks! We had to take our time because excavation work is so expensive!

  13. Meelianthus 04/15/2015

    Hello Patty ~ It looks like you must live over East of the mountains in Eastern WA. Some really beautiful scenes on that side of the state. I am on the Western side and have many times enjoyed the beauty of your area. What a wonderful job you have done creating your property, the before and after pics are amazing. How fortunate you are to be able to grow all of those beautiful roses, really stunning!
    An amazing job you have done with 'Clark Park'.

  14. Em Novak 04/15/2015

    What a wonderful garden. It's all wonderful!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Thank you!?

  15. Nurserynotnordstroms 04/15/2015

    Patty the pictures of your gardens make me feel at home for some reason,possibly because my Grandfather(who I never had the please to know)was an apple orchardist in Wenatchee. I always love to visit Eastern Washington from Seattle. You have done an amazing job of creating lovely vistas and great areas to relax. We did a fire pit area at the end of summer last year and we use it a lot. (I am however always jumping up and fussing with something in the gardens,then I remind myself I'm suppose to be relaxing)I just peaked at tomorrows photos and I actually said WOW out loud when I saw the before and after photos. Lovely lovely (and because I'm a girl and Don says we woman always have to say it three times)lovely.

    1. Clarkpark 04/15/2015

      Thank you for your kind comments. We love our 300 sunny days a year east of the Cascades!?

  16. thevioletfern 04/16/2015

    WOW! What is your admission charge? Incredibly professional and beautiful. I am just WOWED (in all caps)! I love that you are certified wildlife habitat. My meager garden is, too.

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Kathy, I appreciate the compliment!

  17. Cenepk10 04/23/2015

    Oh Patty, stop it !!!! Such a great garden ya'll have built. Really inspiring to see. Incredible!!!!!!

  18. Sunshine111 11/24/2016


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