Garden Photo of the Day

Patty’s garden in Washington, Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 in Patty's garden! (Yesterday's post, in case you missed it, is HERE.) Today she says, "My garden is located in irrigated desert with only eight inches of annual rainfall. One-hundred-year-old deeded irrigation water rights provide my property and surrounding orchards with ample seasonal water from the Cascade Mountains. The Yakima Valley has very harsh weather with 104 degrees in the summer and minus 20 degrees in the winter. We have a very long growing season with 30 plus more days than the Midwest, where I am from. I designed all the gardens myself. " Yet again beautiful, Patty. Keep us updated on this season with more photos, will you?

You guys are starting to send stuff in, and it's FUN! I love opening my inbox each morning. Keep going!! Send in some photos! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

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When my husband and I built our home 20 years ago it was important to us to incorporate the 60 year old apple trees into our gardens. This summer while in the garden I found I was a "Worker Bee," collecting weeds and finished blooms. I have added more chairs and benches to encourage myself to sit and appreciate my hard work and to ENJOY my garden!

lower level garden room

Another guiding principle while designing my garden was to be willing to invest in "the bones" of a garden; that is planting trees and shrubs to give my garden four season interest.  I strived to plant quality garden plants that were proven, disease resistant, and attractive year round.  I selected roses with a high ARS rating and trees and shrubs that earned "The Award of Garden Merit". (Pic shows the garden is beautiful in the winter.)

NATIVE STONE WALLSWhile designing multilevel garden spaces, I unfortunately created many "Brontosaurus Banks".  Our local stone, andesite, was collected from the Cascades to build the dry stacked stone walls. My upper level is a simple, relaxful, and calm setting for the firepit. The focus is the beautiful walls and view.


View 35 comments


  1. hortiphila 04/16/2015

    Patty, I'm sure you realize every gardener is busy this time of year, and I was not able to study your garden photos from yesterday and comment. But today I just had to compliment you on that winter scene, it took my breath away. Spectacular!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      I appreciate you taking the time to comment on Clark Park??

  2. wGardens 04/16/2015

    You certainly had quite an undertaking and it is oh-so-beautiful. (I don't think I've ever seen Lady's Mantle more exuberant!) And what a fabulous view! The winter scene photo is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Thank YOU!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/16/2015

    Patty, your property is a living tutorial on all the right things to do to create beautiful garden areas that are positively captivating. The scale of rock walls to seating areas to planting beds to garden art seem so pleasingly in balance. Love those tall poles topped with bursts of metal "fireworks" in the last picture...quite fun and eye catching.

    1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

      I found the

    2. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

      I found the alliums made of steel at the Seattle Flower and Garden Show. Thanks again for your comments?

    3. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

      Speaking of eye-catching, I've been thinking about your seas of phlox. If they aren't in the queue, I think it's time for another does of Michaele magic on the blog! Happy spring!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 04/16/2015

        I've been such a planting fool that I haven't taken many pictures with anything other than the cell phone. Here's a combo that I love...a funky euphorbia and my beloved creeping phlox. Oops, sorry for the double picture with one of them laying on its side. My tech skills are dismayingly erratic.

        1. User avater
          Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

          Oh! that's gorgeous. Do you know which veronica that is? I'm trying three different ones and I think they might be big enough to bloom this year, fingers crossed! I think cell-phone photos are the wave of the future and you are in your element of 'planting fools' here. I've loads of stuff, lined up, waiting for their turn to get out of their nursery pots and into the garden!

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 04/16/2015

            Thanks, Tim...I do like this little combo. The blue flowering veronica is called 'Georgia Blue' and I am a huge fan of it. Let me sing its starts blooming a little earlier than the phlox., it seems to be denser and, hence, more resistant to weed seeds taking hold in its midst (grrr on those which sometime invade my phlox and make me work). It really spreads wide but it easy to trim if you want it restrained. It's foliage can take on a burgundy color through the winter. What are the names of the ones you are trying out?

          2. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

            Georgia blue looks like a winner! I can only remember two: Veronica oltensis and Veronica x 'Tidal Pool'. The third has foliage very much like 'Tidal Pool', so it might be the one of the parent species.

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

    Patty, I love having the information on your climate. It is so encouraging to see you work with such extremes to create such beauty. Really lovely. I was caught by the subtle detail of the small, wire tudor in the lower level garden. It looks like it is made from wire fencing that has been bent and crimped. Did you make that? I think it is very cool. I use wire cages to protect some things and mine are just plain ugly!!

    1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

      A lovely wire artist in Langley WA creates the wire cages; She works out of the flower shop in town. Sorry I do not remember her name.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

        Well, she certainly did a great job and I am inspired. Now to find the time and talent to bend wire! cheers.

    2. digginWA 04/16/2015

      Her work is on my wish list. You can see more on her Facebook page:

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2015

        Thanks, Tia!

  5. greengenes 04/16/2015

    What a beautiful place you have created, Patty! The views are stunning and it is like an oasis in the midst of harsh conditions. The rocks are so wonderful to have! May you have a wonderful season and may your water always flow!

  6. NCYarden 04/16/2015

    I am just so captivated by this property and its dynamics. Really beautiful. On another note, what the...., that lady's mantle! is that for real?! I feel when I return home today that mine may just get watered with my tears after seeing what they could be. Amazing. What is your secret?
    Enjoying the snow scene too, as I love snow and snowy gardens.

    1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

      The lady's mantle is easy...there are a lot of things I cannot grow because of my dry cold wind!

      1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

        Lady's Mantle needs afternoon shade?

  7. annek 04/16/2015

    The chartreuse accent color on your chairs and graceful seat is a stunner. Your Vision for your design as well. I love the openness that shows off your rock walls and view. Whew...another fabulous batch of photos

  8. GrannyMay 04/16/2015

    Patty, now that I know your growing conditions, I think your garden is doubly amazing. I can't believe it would not wilt or cook in the heat of the summer. As Jeanne says - an oasis!

  9. GrannyCC 04/16/2015

    Patty once again stunning photos and stunning garden. Just wondered what the blue flower is in the lower level garden room.

    1. Clarkpark 04/16/2015

      The blue flowers are Nepeta.?

      1. GrannyCC 04/16/2015


  10. Cenepk10 04/16/2015

    Wow… All I can say is wow. So pretty. The ladies mantle is HUGE

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Appreciate it!!!

  11. wittyone 04/16/2015

    Beautiful beds, views, and gorgeous stone walls. Good luck with the additional chairs and benches making for sitting and just enjoying but it's been my experience that once a worker bee, always a worker bee.

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      Thanks for your kind comment!?

  12. Sunbeams 04/16/2015

    It's a joy to see something from the dry side of the state of Washington. Love your garden -- congrats!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015


  13. perenniallycrazy 04/17/2015

    Talk about having the garden as your playground. Absolutely beautiful Patty!

    1. Clarkpark 04/17/2015

      I appreciate the compliment!

  14. user-7007140 04/17/2015

    Everything is gorgeous but the snow picture is stunning. Thank you for sharing.

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