Garden Photo of the Day

Michaele’s garden in Tennessee, Day 2

A variety of euphorbia that has an interesting long snakey stem and succulent-like leaves. Shame on me for being such a dummy about the names of my plants. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

Welcome to Day 2 in Michaele Anderson’s (meander1!) garden in Friendsville, Tennessee! These are some extra photos Michaele sent along with the ones we featured in yesterday’s post. One thing is sure–Michaele sure knows how to use ornaments in a garden. They’re tasteful, fun, and feel right at home. Please, Michaele, share some of your tips!

There’s nothing like the exclamation mark of “Look at me” that a stand of red tulips provides. This was taken about a month ago. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

***OK, everyone, keep going! Dig out your cameras, take a big long walk around your garden, and SEND ME PHOTOS! I love having more than I could possibly process to choose from!***

A peek at a bunny with some creeping pink phlox and surrounded by Mexican feather grass. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

***One more thing…..have you always wondered what your fellow GPODers are like in person? Never thought you’d get a chance to meet them? Check this out…. While the GPOD isn’t officially a taunton forum, it’s close enough, and I wanted to extend the invite. Anybody at all interested? I’d be willing to search for some gardens to tour…

The clematis is ‘Starburst’ (a pruning group #2 that I did right)…an early and robust bloomer. The azaleas are ‘Mother’s Day’. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson
This is some kind of feathery foliaged euphorbia but I don’t know its name. I love swaths of chartreuse in the spring. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

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View 28 comments


  1. user-1020932 05/17/2013

    this group of photos confirms what i said yesterday in that every time you turned your head another beautiful view . i like that feathery foliaged euphorbia too! that fresh limey green is one of my favorite colors to punch everything up

  2. bee1nine 05/17/2013

    Wonderfully displayed ornaments!! I like how you use a clever
    touch for presenting focal points to show in your spacious,
    lovely yard. By far, keeping the intrigue continuous!
    My smiles and thumbs-up to you!!
    Thank you Michaele, ..and Happy Gardening!

  3. mainer59 05/17/2013

    I think the euphorbia may be myrsinites. I bought it just last week after admiring it for a season at a container in downtown Norway, ME. It's leaves are so interesting and continue after any flowers have faded. Not knowing all the names of the plants doesn't seem to matter since you really know how to use them to best advantage.

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/17/2013

    Beautifully and tastefully done. Thanks for giving us glimpses of your personal haven. I am green with envy over that table with the sculptural arrangement on it. At first I thought it was wood, but is it marble?

  5. cwheat000 05/17/2013

    Michaele, your property looks like a botanical garden. All the mature plantings showcase everything to perfection. You have an artist's eye for creating amazing little vignettes within the larger landscape. The non-flowering things you choose for your garden are beautiful, classy, and not overdone. I think it is safe to say we all love you and your garden. ( Even if you weren't so nice, I think we would have to admit your garden is pretty spectacular.) My favorite picture today is the phlox picture. You do do phlox well. My little girl would go nuts over the bunny statue. She just loves bunnies. The driftwood and the Mexican feather grass add such great texture.

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/17/2013

    I sometimes worry that I teeter on the line of good taste with my indulgence in garden froo froo items. There will probably come a year when my family has to stage an intervention and tell me "No more! You have reached your limit".

    Vojt, your first guess about wood was correct when it comes to the table looking object. It's actually a teak bench that we have had for about 18 years and we leave out all year long. I like to think it is "aging gracefully" (ha, that's the same line I use on myself when I look in the morning mirror.

    mainer59, just did a google search on your suggestion that the euphorbia might be myrsintes and Bullseye...that definitely looks like what it is. Thanks so much. I ordered it via a catalogue one year and have never seen it offered in a local nursery. It has a very architectural quality and almost reminds me of a space alien.

  7. greenthumblonde 05/17/2013

    Okay Meander1, if you can do it so can I. I start fee guilty when I see a unique garden ornament because I know at this point I'm sneaking it into the garden. I know I need to control myself. I had to hide my 2 1/2 foot tall concrete bunny behind some bushes because my family made fun of me. But he's coming out for all to see. I really enjoy all your garden characters. Though every one is pretty classy. Especially your horse.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/17/2013

    Ha, greenthumblonde, maybe we need to start an online support group, Garden Froo Froo anonymous and bring ourselves and our treasures out for all to see!

    cwheat000, I am such a huge fan of Mexican feather just begs for that casual stroking and catches sunlight in a magical way. It's a generous reseeder in my area and I find it hard to say "no" if it starts up in a new spot.

  9. SweetPeaGardens 05/17/2013

    Gardens are more than just plants. Adding interesting "stuff" is what separates a fabulous garden from a nice one. Michaele, you have created a wow factor with every turn. I'd love to meander along your paths, sit on your benches, dip my toes in your pond, pat the bunny.....

  10. phase2682 05/17/2013

    Really nice photos and great use of ornaments. You have integrated them into your garden very well. I missed yesterday's posting and just went back to look at it. What a great horse sculpture. My wife rides our three horses and we would die to have a sculpture like that. A truly outstanding piece!

  11. Wife_Mother_Gardener 05/17/2013

    The first is Euphorbia myrsinites (myrtle spurge, also known as creeping spurge or "donkey tail")

    The last photo looks like Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae – Robb's Spurge (Miss Robb's bonnet).

    Both are wonderful. Such beautiful views in your garden this spring! And I love that bench! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Wife_Mother_Gardener 05/17/2013

    Strike that second name.... yours is more feathery... hummm... anyone?

  13. KVgarden 05/17/2013

    Another beautiful stroll thru your garden Mander1, thank you! Do I see a giant watering can ...mosaic? front of you're Dream Stone?

  14. sheila_schultz 05/17/2013

    Michaele... Your sense of whimsey comes through loud and clear when looking at your welcoming gardens. I can't imagine anyone not feeling happy while wandering through the beauty you have created! Thank you for all the smiles this Friday morning!

  15. terieLR 05/17/2013

    Okay, my turn to drool. After viewing this first thing this morning I went to drag out all the ornaments that I vowed would stay in storage this season. I've been busy at work placing them in different locations ~ than in years past. (yes, sign me up for the online support group appropriately titled Garden Froo Froo) Yours are the inspirations that keep on giving Michaele!
    The watering can is awesome. Even dead branches look great in you gardens for heavens sake!
    Happy weekend to all.

  16. Tana40 05/17/2013


    For the past week or so I've been having trouble opening up all pictures except the one you start with. I noticed Patty Spencer commented that she also had been having problems. Is the problem on my end? And do you know what I should be doing?

    Incidentally Michaele's garden is gorgeous! Having once owned horses I really loved that sculpture! And being in Zone 3b I can only be envious of some of the things she's able to include. I've actually considered having some of those items in my garden during the summer and trying to over-winter them in the garage, but at 73 I'm finding my stamina and strength is waning.

  17. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/17/2013

    Michaele, thanks for clearing up the info on the teak bench. Now I see its scale. I love the weathering as well. Euphorbia myrsinites is listed as a weed and noxious weed in some states, and I think invasive. That being said, I love it and don't think it is invasive in Ohio. What is shocking to me is that it has seeded itself UP HILL in my garden. Not sure how that has happened, but the seedlings are easy to identify and pull up where not wanted. I haven't found that I am allergic to the sap, but many are.

  18. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/17/2013

    Wife_Mother_Gardener, thanks to you, I was motivated to do some google image work to see if I could figure out the identity of my mystery euphorbia. I think I have landed on one called euphorbia cyparissias (cypress euphorbia)...otherwise, according to Wikipedia, saddled with the unpleasant nickname of "Graveyard weed". Anyway, now I know! A small patch of it was already growing on the property when we bought it. I like this plant and have it in a place where it doesn't seem to go crazy.

    Yes, KV garden, that is a mosaic covered old metal watering can right by the dream rock. I wish I could take credit for being the talented craft person who did it but I bought it at a charity auction. I would love to try my hand at doing one but I haven't gotten to it yet. Right now, weeding takes up most of what could be my craft time.

    terieRL, it was your blue clematis picture from spring of 2012 that turned me into a clematis planting fool.I remember grabbing a bunch of your photos for my Gardening Favorites Pinterest board. I just came back from relooking at them and am reminded of how artful and elegant your use of garden ornamentation, glad to read that you are getting all your goodies out and let them play in the sunshine!

  19. terieLR 05/17/2013

    Teehee... got'cha! I'm thrilled that you copied. ;) Clematis here in central NY can be finicky. Many sigh in frustration when they come to see the gardens. I had a bit of a 'sigh' myself last fall when the ash tree that supported that trellis had to come down. I'm trying to embrace the new look from my kitchen windows. Relocating it to the base of another ash tree has given me hope now that I see it growing happily. Now if the ash bore will please avoid my little neck of the woods. (It's a mere two counties away and most of our shade is ash) :(
    Thank you for including me in your Pinterest page. You will find your pictures in mine also! Fine Gardening was the reason I jumped on board (pun intended) to begin with.

  20. tractor1 05/18/2013

    Such wonderful compositions.. just point anywhere and shoot!

    Thank you, meander1.

    Sorry I'm so late today... I'm dealing with a very sick cat... Peachie is in the Albany animal hospital. At first our local Vet thought pancreatic cancer so he suggested we have an ultra sound scan done at the animal hospital. We brought her there and they said it's not cancer, she has a very serious upper respiratory viral infection (cats rarely get this but Peachie got it). Had we waited two more days she would have died. They have her hooked up to all kinds of tubes with meds and monitors and they say she should have a full recovery. Peachie is 12 years old, she still has several years... this should rack up about a $3,000 bill but she's worth it. I'm hoping she recovers.

  21. blue_nigella 05/18/2013

    I am having the same problems as Tana40. Only the 1st picture will enlarge and the others are too tiny. When I click on them I'm returned to the opening photo. Help!!!! The "recommends" button doesn't work either. I would click on it several times but nothing happens. Meander1 deserves many votes of acclamation.

    Meander1: Your comments are always so delightful and the picture I could see is gorgeous. Everything I see shows me you are an artistic and dedicated gardener too! Thanks for sharing.

  22. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/18/2013

    tractor1, I know all the regular board members wish Peachie and her humans well. This is a very difficult situation to be facing but it seems like you are giving her the best chance possible. I hope her condition is nothing infectious that could be a problem for any of your other cats. Hope the news is good when you check in with gpod on Mon.

  23. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/18/2013

    Thank you, blue_nigella, for your kind words. So sorry you couldn't see the rest of the pictures well since it sounds like you were giving the clicking process your best shot. Well, since I seem to be a compulsive sharer, I'll probably pop in with some additional pictures some time in the future.

  24. cwheat000 05/18/2013

    Tractor1- I am praying for Peachie's speedy recovery. It sounds like she is in the best hands possible.

  25. howecervantes 05/26/2013

    Bridesmaid Dresses: Spring/Summer 2014 Styles From Top Designers (PHOTOS)

  26. howecervantes 05/26/2013

    Bridesmaid Dresses: Spring/Summer 2014 Styles From Top Designers (PHOTOS)
    Who says bridesmaid dresses have to be ugly and unflattering?

    Designers brought their A-game to the Spring/Summer 2014 runways in New York recently, showing bridesmaid gowns that attendants will definitely want to wear again.

    Click through the below photos to see 8 gorgeous new styles, then tell us in the comments: would you choose one of these looks for your 'maids'?

  27. mirandadawn 05/29/2013

    Bridesmaid Dresses: Spring/Summer 2014 Styles From Top Designers (PHOTOS)
    Who says bridesmaid dresses have to be ugly and unflattering?

    Designers brought their A-game to the Spring/Summer 2014 runways in New York recently, showing bridesmaid gowns that attendants will definitely want to wear again.

    Click through the below photos to see 8 gorgeous new styles, then tell us in the comments: would you choose one of these looks for your 'maids'?

  28. mirandadawn 05/29/2013

    Bridesmaid Dresses: Spring/Summer 2014 Styles From Top Designers (PHOTOS)

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