Garden Photo of the Day

Mary’s Ontario Garden

How the space evolves through the seasons

early summer garden with lots of pink flowers

Today’s photos are from Mary in Ontario.

We built our home in 2008. Our gardens have evolved over the years.

The perennial garden is fun to watch go from flat to full and lush. In the winter there is 3 to 6 feet of snow on it. We love the fall color from the maple trees, yellow cedars, and burning bushes.

I love when the sun lights up the Japanese maple in the afternoon. The Quickfire hydrangeas are one of my favorite performers for all-year interest. There is always something new or different to learn, and we get so much enjoyment from our hard work. I like that there are different levels and growing conditions. We have full-sun areas, wet-shade areas, and dry and hot spots. I have fresh cut flowers from May to November.

garden in early spring with little plant lifeEarly spring, with the garden still mostly asleep

light pink Oriental poppies in front of various foliage plants in springOriental poppies (Papaver orientale, Zones 3–7) preside over the lush spring garden.

view of the garden with few plants in bloomAnother view of the garden in spring, with the oriental poppies in the foreground still in tight bud.

colorful foliage in the garden in fallThe glorious colors of fall

early summer garden with lots of pink flowersLate spring/early summer, with big clumps of peonies (Paeonia hybrids, Zones 3–8) looking stunning

view of shrubs in lawn in shadeDapple shade on perfect lawns looking lush and inviting in summer

summer garden with shrubs and annual flowersAnnuals provide pops of summer color, while a hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata, Zones 3–8) in the background shows off its full summer floral display.

pink hydrangea in fallQuick Fire hydrangea living up to its name as it blushes red along with the foliage of the trees in the background

small round garden with shrubs and small treeA perfect island bed set in the lawn

wide view of the garden and patioWhat a magical space to sit and enjoy the Canadian summer!


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

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View 13 comments


  1. sandyprowse 01/25/2023

    Mary, what a beautiful garden you have created. It was a joy to view, absolutely splendid. I can understand why you love it so. I live in Toronto, Ontario and aren’t we lucky with the changing seasons! Well done.

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Thank you and yes we love the changing seasons

  2. User avater
    simplesue 01/25/2023

    Your garden really has settled in so naturally since you built your home in 2008- that's hard to accomplish with newly built homes.
    I love your Pink Oriental poppies, your dappled shaded lawn, all those trees and interesting garden sculptures.
    Wow, just gorgeous, something interesting to look at everywhere you look!

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Thank you, I do like to work on the views from lots of different vantage points

  3. janetsydoruk 01/25/2023

    It’s a fab garden. So neat. Everything so lovely. Where are you located. I’m in collingwood Ont.

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Hi janetsydoruk , we are near Midland

  4. btucker9675 01/25/2023

    Your garden is perfection! I'm so envious of your poppies - no matter how much I amend the awful clay soil here, I've not had any luck with them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful place.

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Thank you, My husband and I do like to keep the gardens and lawns looking nice

  5. gardenconcierge 01/25/2023

    A really lovely garden! If I could choose only one favorite plant, it would have to be your glorious poppies. Congratulations!

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Thank you, that poppy is a show stopper while it is in bloom

  6. madcosta_7 01/25/2023

    OMG! What a beautiful garden. Everything looks so perfect and NEAT!

    1. Chicshiraz 01/25/2023

      Thank you, It is a good workout keeping it looking so nice. Better than working out at the gym ;)

  7. User avater
    treasuresmom 01/26/2023

    Love that pic of the fall color.

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