Garden Photo of the Day

Lily Time in Luana’s Garden

High summer fragrance


Today we’re visiting Luana Carpenter’s garden in Massillon, Ohio.

We’ve visited Luana’s garden before, and it is always a treat to be in this beautiful space. Check it out here. Today’s photos are from the summer when the lilies were stealing the spotlight with their beautiful colors and amazing fragrance.

daylilyWe’ll start with a daylily, a beautiful white, either the variety ‘Joan Senior’ or ‘Gentle Shepherd’ (Zones 3–9), with elegant white flowers produced in great abundance.

The true lilies, with the white, incredible fragrant ‘Casa Blanca’ (Zones 5–8) in the center. True lilies are a bit fussier than daylilies but are some of the most fragrant flowers you can grow in any garden.

a spot to sit and enjoy the gardenIn peak summer lushness, this garden offers plants thriving in every possible shade of green, a spot to sit and enjoy next to the water feature, and stepping stones leading to more of the garden.

looking at the back of the houseThis view of the house through the garden looks like heaven.

garden phloxIn addition to the lilies, garden phlox (Phlox paniculata, Zones 5–9) is in full bloom as well, adding another note of color and fragrance to the display.

perennialsThe height of the perennials in the beds obscures what is beyond, helping to divide the garden up and make it feel larger.

Oriental lily ‘Stargazer’The classic pink Oriental lily ‘Stargazer’ (Zones 5–8) takes center stage here, backed up by other lily blossoms dripping fragrance.

place to sit in the gardenDon’t you just want to sit here with your morning coffee and drink in this incredible garden?

perennials knit togetherThe border is densely planted, so all the perennials knit together to provide a rich display through the season.

View 7 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 12/15/2021

    Those lilies are out of this world.

  2. annek 12/15/2021

    Spectacular! Lush and full. I wanted to walk atound every curve of your garden paradise

  3. User avater
    cynthia2020 12/15/2021

    Hi, Luana. Thank you for sharing your terrific lily photos with us. And I loved to see your wonderful flourishing garden!

  4. User avater
    simplesue 12/15/2021

    Wow! I saved your photo with the caption "view of the house through the garden", so inspiring, I love it!
    Your garden is perfection, and a work of art!
    There isn't one thing I'd change!

  5. btucker9675 12/15/2021

    A truly stunning garden! I can just imagine the scent of those lilies on a warm, breezy day.

  6. carolineyoungwilliams 12/15/2021

    Luana, your Lilies are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. criss_51__flower 12/15/2021

    Your gardens are inspiring!
    Like myself you have massive plantings and put it all together so well !
    I live 45 mins. From you and wished I could visit your gardens!
    I’ve posted my gardens on here too but not many to share
    With in my area.
    If you ever are up for tours please let us know!
    Keep up the beautiful gardens you have created!
    You eat, sleep and breathe them like myself !
    Thanks for making our day a lot sweeter..

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