Garden Photo of the Day

Holiday Displays at Niagara Falls

Greenhouses and lights

greenhouse decorated in holiday lights and winter plants

Today we’re visiting with Alice Fleurkens.

We live one and half hours from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, so we decided to drive down there on a Sunday afternoon to check out the Christmas lights and the greenhouses. What a treat that was! I am just guessing that they have over a million Christmas lights.

close up of various tropical plantsTropical beauty is on display inside the greenhouses, with beautiful foliage from Aglaonema and Diffenbachia and a single brilliant flowering spike from a bromeliad of some kind.

The flowers of a white bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai, Zones 10–12) are dramatic. These flowers get their name because they look like an exotic bird. In their native South Africa they are pollinated by a bird called a sunbird. Unlike hummingbirds, sunbirds can’t hover and are larger, so the sturdy stems provide a place for the bird to perch while it sips nectar and inadvertently carries pollen from plant to plant.

close up of tropical plants with bright flowers and foliageThis bird of paradise is a smaller species or variety with orange flowers.

close up of tropical flowersBehind these bird-of-paradise blooms are the long, dangling flower spikes of chenille plant (Acalypha hispida, Zones 10–11).

stone fountain filled with winter flowersNumerous poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima, Zones 10–11) bloom in the greenhouse, along with some pink and white cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum, Zones 8–10)

holiday display with lots of poinsettiasMore poinsettia and cyclamen plantings grace the greenhouse. Though poinsettias bloom with red bracts in their wild state, modern breeding has brought numerous other colors and forms to the plant.

close up of display with colorful poinsettia and cyclamenThese orange-hued varieties are beautiful. Some of the more unusually colored poinsettias you see for sale are simply white varieties painted a different color, but I think this orange one is the result of careful plant breeding.

greenhouse decorated in holiday lights and winter plantsThere is an incredible display of lights and plants in the greenhouse.

decorative lights inside a greenhouseWhat a magical space they have created.

red lights wrapped around a bare treeOutside, trees are wrapped with lights, and you can walk or drive through to enjoy the beauty.


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View 5 comments


  1. btucker9675 12/21/2022

    Gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful spirit of the Holidays.

  2. User avater
    treasuresmom 12/21/2022

    This must have been very enjoyable.

  3. hazyhill 12/21/2022

    Beautiful! I've always loved visiting Niagara Falls & seeing the beautiful floral displays.

  4. User avater
    vanhatalosuomi 12/22/2022

    WOW no shortage of color there! thanks for sharing :)

  5. User avater
    simplesue 12/22/2022

    I love your photo of the outside of the building!

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