Garden Photo of the Day

GPOD on the Road: Anemones and Erythronium at the HCP

large patch of small white flowers

The GPOD is on the road again, and today friend of the GPOD Cherry Ong is taking us on a visit to the gardens at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP) in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She saw a lot of beautiful things there, which we’ll be sharing over the next few weeks, but today the focus is on spring ephemerals. Ephemerals are those wonderful plants that pop up early in the spring, flower, and then go dormant. For many of them, this strategy is an adaptation to living under the shade of deciduous trees. They get up and do their growing early before the trees above leaf out completely and take all the light. These were thriving under the canopy of trees in the Doris Page Winter Garden.

spring-blooming plant with light purple flowersWood anemone (Anemone nemorosa, Zones 5–8) is a little spring ephemeral that thrives in woodland gardens, spreading moderately to make clumps of spring blooms.

white wood anemoneThere are many selected forms of wood anemone. This is the variety ‘Bracteata Pleniflora’, which has extra petals, some tinted green.

clump of white wood anemoneThe ‘Bracteata Pleniflora’ has made a nice clump.

wood anemoneWho wouldn’t want this in their garden welcoming spring?

anemone with double flowersThis anemone is ‘Vestal’, which has double, pure-white flowers.

large patch of small white flowersA big patch of ‘Vestal’ in full bloom

small nodding yellow flowersErythronium (trout lily, Zones 5–8) is a widespread genus, with species native to most of the northern hemisphere, but surely the prettiest species are the ones native to western North America, with large, showy, nodding, lilylike flowers.

bright yellow and white flowerI’m not sure which species of Erythronium this is—perhaps one of the hybrids.

mass planting of small nodding purple flowersI think this is Erythronium revolutum.

spires of yellow flowers growing above white flowersThe delicate yellow blooms of Epimedium × perralchicum (Zones 5–9) rise above a carpet of wood anemone.


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Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

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View 5 comments


  1. User avater
    simplesue 05/13/2022

    I love those Wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa) with the lavender flowers!
    I love Sherry Ong's garden tours!

    1. perenniallycrazy 05/13/2022

      Thank you. Always thankful to experience a garden.

  2. User avater
    treasuresmom 05/13/2022

    I'm like Sue. I love wood anemones as well. I wish I could find some to plant.

    1. perenniallycrazy 05/13/2022

      They’re not easy to find in the nurseries here as well. I hope one of the readers can volunteer suggestions. I got my Vestal from a friend who had extras from her garden. Years back, I picked up a couple of Anemonella from a local nursery. Wish I could find some more. Good luck!

  3. btucker9675 05/13/2022

    Everything is so beautiful, but especially those trout lilies - so graceful and delightful.

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