Garden Photo of the Day

End of Spring in Indiana

Highlights from the end of May

large planting of purple irises

Today’s photos are from Joe in northern Indiana.

May has ended, and hot, dry weather has arrived; it officially feels like summer in the garden. But the last few bits of spring have been beautiful. Here are some of my favorites from the last weeks of May.

close up of white iceland poppyI planted a LOT of these white Iceland poppies (Papaver hybrid, Zones 3–8) last year, but rabbits ate all but this one (sigh). At least this one is beautiful, and I think a fox or something has moved into the neighborhood because I’ve seen far fewer rabbits this year.

close up of large white peony flowerI inherited this peony when I bought my house. It was buried under weeds and not thriving, but I cleared the area and moved it to a sunnier spot, and it is now flowering! I think it is the old heirloom variety Paeonia ‘Alba Plena’ (Zones 3–8).

large planting of purple irisesThis isn’t my garden, but one I walked past with my dog the other day. Wow—just an incredible planting of bearded irises (Iris hybrids, Zones 3–8).

large beauty bush covered in light pink flowersHere’s another shot from a walk around my neighborhood, this one of a beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis, Zones 4–8). It is an old-fashioned shrub I never see for sale any more, but the older neighborhoods in town have a lot of them. It looks so incredible in bloom, but isn’t much to look at the rest of the year.

close up of bright pink roseThe roses are just getting started. I don’t have a name for this little one, but I really like it.

close up of bright blue penstemonI have sandy soil, so lots of penstemons are happy here, including this Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Electric Blue’ (Zones 5–9). I adore the color of this one.

close up of bright red poppy flowersAs usual, the annual poppies (Papaver hybridum) I carefully grew from seed are still small, but this one, which self-sowed from last year, is huge and loaded with brilliant orange flowers. It seeded itself right in the front of the bed, blocking everything behind it, but it is so pretty I don’t have the heart to pull it out.


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  1. User avater
    simplesue 06/09/2023

    Gee that big bush "(Kolkwitzia amabilis," is spectacular, I've never seen one of those before, wonder if it's scented? I love old fashioned garden plants that are still around somewhere, always nice to propagate such things.

  2. btucker9675 06/09/2023

    So very pretty!!! Glad that beautiful white Icelandic poppy was spared...

  3. jos29803 06/09/2023

    Looks like the TLC you gave your garden is paying off. Look forward to seeing more results.

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