Garden Photo of the Day

Miyako’s container gardens in Connecticut

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita

My friend Miyako is an amazingly talented gardener. Her woodland garden in front of her house is a subtle and gorgeous collection of ferns, hellebores, ephemerals, sweet little hostas, and bulbs, and I’m in awe of it every spring. But come late summer, her container collection surrounding her back door is even more spectacular!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita

We go plant shopping together every spring for tropicals and annuals for our containers, and no matter how many of the same plants we buy, our plantings always look totally unique. Miyako snapped some shots of this year’s efforts, and I felt compelled to share… I love how she’s got a hot theme going on the right side with reds, oranges, and chartreuse, and a cooler theme on the left with purples, pinks, and whites. The textures are fantastic, and the plants fascinating. Enjoy!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Miyako Kinoshita

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  1. Steepdrive 09/26/2012

    Are you sure there are containers under there? Those plants are huge and very colorful.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 09/26/2012

    Those are some happy annuals! Did you guys get frost this week? We came close. It would have been sad because I love the crowded exuberance of overgrown annuals this time of year.

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/26/2012

    Ha, Steepdrive, my thoughts exactly...I honestly would never have guessed these were pictures of container plantings if not told. Miyako must be very conscientious about weekly fertilizing since her beautiful efforts are not suffering from end of season fatigue and sparseness. Michelle, if she has time, I would love for her to pop in and share a few tips on how she maintains such lushness.

  4. Miyako 09/26/2012

    Thanks, guys. I do fertilize religiously and water religiously, especially for the first few months. I also buy the best soil to put them in... Michelle has introduced me to a very expensive hobby, but I love it.
    I do have quite expensive collection of pots underneath the plants, too. Every year you just cannot see them. My husband goes, "plastic containers would be OK, you cannot see them anyway..."
    Mine are on decline this week, with the colder weather and downpour of rain we had. It is the end, and I am glad that I captured them on photos earlier...

  5. tractor1 09/26/2012

    Amazing display! But I don't see even one pot. I'm curious about who lives in that bird cage.

  6. WinstonSalem 09/26/2012

    Love the use of coleus and the fullness of all the containers. Can you identify the white foliage plant in the first photo? Thanks for sharing.

  7. cwheat000 09/26/2012

    Just lovely! I am falling more and more in love with coleus. Even if you are not super conscientious, they look better than most things this time of year. I love the color combos you created.

  8. MichelleGervais 09/26/2012

    cwheat000--you and Miyako are practically neighbors (same road)!
    WinstonSalem--that bright plant is variegated snow bush (Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta', Z9-11).

  9. greengrowler 09/26/2012

    Containers? What containers? Those gorgeous coleus swallowed them whole! Miyako, I have several of the same coleus you used this year; especially love the orange-red-rust-green splotched variety (can't think of the name). Yes, cwheat000, I feel ya - coleus give and give all summer long. Next year, I'm trying them in-ground to avoid the periodic "blank holes". Fabulous, Miyako!

  10. pattyspencer 09/27/2012

    Yep I'm having a really hard time finding those pots too!! Everything is so lush and beautiful!

  11. Andy_Heugel 10/03/2012

    I also would never have guess that this is a container garden, if I wasn't told so. A lot of know how and a very steady effort must have gone into creating this beautiful symphony of color!

  12. TiraG 05/10/2013

    This is just beautiful, wonderful inspiration for my tropical containers.

  13. TiraG 05/10/2013

    This is just beautiful, wonderful inspiration for my tropical containers.

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