northern plains - Page 2 of 8 - Fine Gardening
Fall-Flowering Perennials for Pollinators in the Northern Plains
I find late-season flowers to be some of the most delightful of the year. They represent one last encore to a year of gardening done well. The bees enjoy the…
6 Native Bee Balms to Grow for Gorgeous Color in the Garden
Bee balm (Monarda spp. and cvs., Zones 4–9) has long been a garden staple for its bold flower colors. The common name comes from the fact that the resin is…
Hardy Plants for Dry Shade in the Northern Plains
No matter the size or location of your garden, you are likely to be planting in more than one type of environment. Under the canopy of trees, along foundations, under…
The Best Native Viburnums
The great plantsman Michael Dirr once said, "A garden without a viburnum is akin to life without music and art.” Viburnums (Viburnum spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) are a large…
Hardy, Fragrant Vines for the Northern Plains
When you need a tall plant but don’t have a lot of room, a vine is the perfect solution. And when vines have fragrant flowers, they check off yet another…
Plants for Your Region to Add to Your Shopping List
Whether you’re walking through your local garden center, flipping through the pages of your favorite catalog, or scrolling the website of an online retailer, the sheer number of plant choices…
Designing a Garden With Sequential Color
Every garden I design has a theme, even if it is just about color. A sequential color design is not created with the aim of one plant blooming after another,…
New Hydrangeas for the Northern Plains
Hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) have become one of my favorite shrubs when designing gardens for my clients. They come in many sizes and shapes and have various…
Compact Conifers for the Northern Plains
Gardens should appeal to the senses in every season. I find that one way to ensure winter interest is to plant evergreens. There are more evergreens available than one can…
Northern Plains: February Garden To-Do List
Force branches into flowering. Spring isn’t too far off, but those of us who are getting impatient to see some spring color can meet that need by taking branches from…