milkweed - Fine Gardening
Barb’s Favorite Photos
Hello, I am Barb Mrgich, a Master Gardener from Adams County, Pennsylvania, in USDA Hardiness Zone 6B. I love to garden, and I love to take pictures, so today I…
The Year in Carolyn’s Garden
Carolyn Hirning, in New Albany, Ohio, went through her photos from the year and is sharing some of her favorites with us today. To begin with, my neighbor's chickens were…
Two Hot-Colored Milkweeds for the Southwest
Monarch butterflies are becoming more and more scarce, and it’s up to humans to help them. In the past 30 years, the number of monarchs has decreased by 90%, as…
Grow Native Milkweeds to Bring Pollinators to Your Garden
Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed (Asclepias spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) as their primary host plant. As the monarchs’ western migration teeters on vanishing completely within years and the eastern…
Gardening for Pollinators Without Sacrificing Beauty
Today’s photos come from Harriet Robinson in Otisfield, Maine. She is sharing pictures of a great garden that shows that gardens built with native plants for pollinators can also be…
Plants Bring Joy!
Today we're visiting Jana Trusz's garden. I live in Canton, Massachusetts, and have been gardening forever. Our lot backs up to conservation land and includes a great deal of woodland…
From Barren Lot to Pollinator Paradise
My name is Barb Mrgich. I am a Master Gardener in Adams County, Pennsylvania, which is in Zone 6a. My husband and I bought our 3/8-acre lot in 1989. The…
More Sunflowers, More Wildlife
Today’s photos come from Lisa McMillin in Boise, Idaho. I live in Boise’s historic North End, in a bungalow more than 100 years old. I’ve been gardening for 30 years,…
July Means Daylilies
Today our good friend Carla Zambelli Mudry is welcoming us back to her garden in Malvern, Pennsylvania. July means daylilies—lots and lots of daylilies! And sunflowers, hydrangeas, milkweed, echinacea, and…
Food for Pollinators and People
Today we’re visiting Ankica Zander’s garden in Michigan. My husband and I moved into this cottage some 10 years ago. The cottage had been in his family for just under…