Hello, I am Barb Mrgich, a Master Gardener from Adams County, Pennsylvania, in USDA Hardiness Zone 6B. I love to garden, and I love to take pictures, so today I am sending some of my best shots.
A study in texture and color—nearly all from foliage. Dark hens-and-chicks (Sempervivum, Zones 4–9) with bold leaves in the front contrast with the gold sedum (Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’, Zones 5–8) behind it, while lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina, Zones 4–9) bring big, silver leaves behind that, surrounding a beautiful blue container.
Cloris, the Greek goddess of the flowers, watches over my pollinator garden.
Bumblebee on Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia, annual)
Two monarch butterflies visit the Mexican sunflower blooms. I have often seen a butterfly fly upside down. In fact, I have several different pictures showing it. I have always thought it is some kind of a mating ritual but have never read anything to substantiate my thought.
A female ruby-throated hummingbird absolutely loves the red salvia (Salvia splendens, Zones 10–11 or as an annual).
Brazilian verbena (Verbena bonariensis, Zones 7–11 or as an annual) and penstemon (Penstemon digitalis, Zones 3–8) tower over soon-to-be-blooming perennial sunflowers (Helianthus species), Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum × superbum, Zones 5–9), and milkweed (Asclepias species).
Thanks, Barb!
I needed a hit of botanical beauty. Loved seeing the fauna, but my eye was trying to identify everything in sight! In that discussion of foliage texture, was that a form of nepeta - before first bloom - that edged the brick walkway?
...or is that Monarda? or even Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride'?
Yes, you are right. It is Hermann's pride. I love that plant. I have read that it can be invasive, but I have had it for years, and it has never once wandered. I sometimes dig up the clump and divide it to get more. It makes a wonderful border plant. Little yellow flowers in the spring. After blooming, I shear it back, and it stays nice all summer.
To those who may be interested, Barb has a previous submission.
Beautiful garden, Barb. I love the way you’ve incorporated the high and low plants in your long border.
Love your first shot, and those with the pollinators! Lovely statue of Cloris. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for all the compliments. Like I said, I love gardening, and I love taking photos. This year I hope to take some photography lessons.
So happy to learn about "Cloris, the Greek goddess of the flowers" from you.
Your garden is beautiful and full of life with the butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees!
My kind of garden for sure!
Thank you. I'm glad you like it. It has never been more important to cater to the pollinators. Once you experience having them, any garden without them just seems boring.
Beautiful- I love how your blue birdhouse echos the blue spruce. Great color repetition and beautiful garden!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden Barb. I love your selection of plants and the color combinations that you used. of course the pollinators were a beautiful bonus. Thank you.
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