Island Paradise - Page 3 of 22 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Grecian windflower
Anemone blandaThis plant produces a great low-growing mat of flowers.
Plant Guide
Tatarian aster
Aster tataricusTatarian aster is an impressive, stately perennial with a flowering height of 3 to 6 feet.
Plant Guide
Arkansas bluestar
Amsonia hubrichtiiArkansas bluestar's delicate, willow-like foliage is topped with pale blue star-shaped flowers in spring.
Plant Guide
Carpet bugleweed
Ajuga reptans
This fast spreader has dark green leaves with deep blue flowers spring to summer.
Plant Guide
Myosotis sylvaticaThis short-lived perennial or biennial has ovate to lance-shaped, velvety gray-green leaves to 4.
Plant Guide
Morning glory
Ipomoea tricolor and cvs.
Morning glory is a fast-growing, twining annual with heart-shaped light to mid-green leaves and vibrantly colored, funnel-shaped flowers to 3 inches across.
Plant Guide
Crested iris
Iris cristataSpectacular, but fleeting, stemless blooms have blue-lilac petals, each with a white patch and a yellow or orange crest on each fall.
Plant Guide
‘Nikko Blue’ bigleaf hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’This is a well-loved and vigorous cultivar with large, rounded flower heads of a rich, gorgeous blue.
Plant Guide
‘Johnson’s Blue’ geranium
Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’This popular perennial is grown for its blue or lavender-blue, saucer-shaped flowers that bloom for many weeks.
Plant Guide
‘Boulder Blue’ blue fescue
Festuca glauca ‘Boulder Blue’Regarded by some as the bluest blue fescue, this plant forms compact, cascading mounds of foot-tall, intensely blue, narrow leaves that are attractive in all seasons.