Edibles - Fine Gardening
Keith’s Vegetable Garden
We’re visiting with Keith Irvine today, who gardens in chilly Zone 3 in Oxdrift, Ontario. We visited Keith’s garden before (Keith's Zone 3 Garden). I would have to say that…
‘Candle Fire’ Okra Is Beautiful and Bountiful
Okra is no stranger to vegetable gardens, especially in the South, but this selection is right at home in ornamental as well as kitchen garden plantings. ‘Candle Fire’ has beautiful…
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Hydroponic Microgreens—How to Grow the Perfect Indoor Winter Garden
Microgreens are one of the easiest ways to get more vegetables into your diet. According to the CDC, only 10 percent of adults consume the recommended serving of vegetables a…
Kitchen Gardening
Tips to Grow Better Cherry Tomatoes in Northern California
Though technically a fruit, the tomato is the most popular homegrown vegetable, with thousands of tasty varieties available for the kitchen gardener to choose from. Tomatoes can range from big…
The Best New Plants for Your Garden 2022
Each year we do a feature in our big spring issue introducing folks to a slew of new offerings from plant breeders. But this is not simply a list of…
Cold-Hardy Edibles Add a Unique Flair to Fall Containers—Planting Plans
If you're looking for a way to add a pop of the unexpected to your containers, including hardy edibles can be a wonderful way to increase interest and set your…
Edible Flower Ideas for Warmer Climates
It’s always a delight to wander about the garden, seeing what’s growing and flowering from day to day. Add to that the fun of nibbling our way through edible flowers…
Fanciful DIY Kitchen-Garden Container Ideas
Sometimes it’s best not to ask why. I kept reminding myself of this as I toured the annual Festival des Jardins, the garden festival held at the Château de Chaumont…
The Best Fruits to Grow in Containers
Unlike many other edibles, fruit trees and shrubs can take up a lot of space when grown in the ground. An average semi-dwarf apple tree, for example, takes up anywhere…
Kitchen Gardening
How to Grow Lettuce in a Container
If you're looking for a new lettuce to try this season, why not plant some 'Sandy' lettuce? Despite its name, this All-America Selections winner is tender, sweet and grows exceptionally…