chile peppers - Fine Gardening

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    You Can Grow a Lot of Hot Weather Plants Down Here in the Ozarks

    I'm still here in the Ozarks after teaching summer folk school classes last week. This gardening season, the gardeners planted lots of plants here with the upcoming Herb Harvest Fall…

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    September Garden Harvest

    Well the late September garden is full of chiles as well as herbs to harvest and preserve... that's what I've been doing the past few days. And the annual flowers…

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    Last Day of Summer

    Today is the last day of summer and tomorrow heralds the autumnal equinox. The summer garden is definitely looking like fall is in the air. See what my zone 7…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Capsicum Dreaming on Such a Winter’s Day

    I am sitting here by the woodstove with my seed catalogs and laptop and dreaming of this year's garden, pouring over the huge variety of seeds and plants available. It…

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    Capsicum, Herb of the Year 2016

    The International Herb Association has chosen Capsicum as Herb of the Year for 2016. I am a confessed chilehead and have been perusing seed catalogs for my favorite chiles, as…

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    Chile Pepper Season

    Just before it frosted in my Maryland zone 7 garden, we harvested all of the chiles that were mature--and some that were still green. Many chiles were snipped from the…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    More on Fermenting Chiles

    My last post I showed you how to ferment chile peppers. This brief video shows a few more fermentation lids, how to tell when chiles are ready and how to…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Fermenting Chile Peppers

    It is the chile harvest season and time to put up the bounty! fermenting hot peppers is a great alternative to pickling and canning--offering great flavor, more vitamins and minerals…

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    Habaneros: The Big Hot One!

    Right about now, we chileheads are in chile heaven (think hotter than hell!) since it is the peak of the chile harvest. I have a bumper crop of habaneros--big ones--find…

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    Fish Peppers

    Here is a plant that you will want to grow in your garden this year; this gardener's pick deserves a whole blog. I grew these chiles last summer--had four plants--the…