butterfly weed - Fine Gardening

  • nativars for the northeast

    3 Great Nativars for the Northeast

    You may have heard the word nativars and wondered what they are, but I'll bet you are already growing a rather impressive list of nativars in your garden. Simply said, nativars…

  • Article

    Yearning for Spring in Virginia

    Today's photos are from Pamela Stout. I was very inspired by GPOD posts about yearning for spring and color. I can relate! I have my first hellebore bud coming in,…

  • Purple coneflower

    20 Great Perennials to Start From Seed

    Perennials are the workhorses of most gardens. They reliably return, year after year, and bulk up relatively fast. Perennials can be pricey, though, especially when compared to many annual plants,…

  • Design

    Having Fun Digging In

    My name is Kat, and I’ve been gardening for two years in a small town in Ontario, Canada. Our village is in a rural area, and I’m very lucky to…

  • Article

    A Garden for Frogs, Toads, Bees, and Butterflies

    Kimberly Hennelly is sharing photos today of her garden and the various nonhuman visitors she welcomes into the space. I wanted to share some photos of the frogs and pollinators…

  • Article

    Flowers Fit for a Monarch

    Today we’re visiting Lynn DeSantis’s garden, where she has a lot of flowers that attract the attention of humans and butterflies. Stokes aster (Stokesia laevis, Zones 5–9), obedient plant (Physostegia…