beets - Fine Gardening

  • Okra Size: 3 to 6 feet tall; some varieties up to 10 feet tall yield: Continual production if harvested daily Days to germinate: 10 to 15 Days to maturity: 55 to 75 Germination Conditions: Soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours prior to sowing. In cool regions with a short growing season, start seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before the last frost. In warm climates, direct-sow in spring when the ground is warm and all danger of frost has passed. Growing instructions: Plant in full sun and in well-drained soil. Plant 18 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. It requires temperatures to remain above 50°F. Seed Note: Okra seeds do not store well.

    20 Great Edibles to Start From Seed

    Vegetables (and some fruits) are some of the easiest plants to start from seed. And that's a good thing, since a lot of us want to grow veggies from seed…

  • Design

    What Vegetables to Plant for Fall and When to Plant Them

    In my northern garden, the arrival of autumn doesn’t signal an end to the growing season. Instead, it’s a shift from the heat-loving vegetables of summer to the cool- and…

  • beets

    Pretty Pickled Beets

    Makes 4 pints 6 lb. small Chioggia or golden beets 2 cups white wine vinegar 2 cups sugar 6 cups thinly sliced red onion 1⁄4 cup pickling spice 12 whole…

  • How-To

    How to Grow Beets

    I suppose beets might be appreciated more if they hung from trees like apples instead of spending their lives in the soil. Glistening in the sunlight in colors ranging from…

  • Article

    Double-Duty Vegetable Gets Deserved Recognition

    It’s the Year of the Beet, and it’s about time. Beets may not be at the top of most vegetable gardener’s list, but they should be. Everything about this edible…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Three Easy Ideas for Spring Planting

    You don’t want to miss a whole season of gardening do you? Here are three easy ways to get a start on your spring planting today.

  • Article


    I like to celebrate the mid-winter holiday of St. Valentine with red vegetables--so of course the seasonal earthy root vegetable, the beet, is what I choose.

  • Article

    Roast Beets for Sweetness

    Roasting beets gives them a sweeter, richer, and deeper flavor than boiling does.

  • Article

    Braised Young Vegetables

    Use just-picked veggies and homemade broth to make this dish the best it can be.