Attracts Hummingbirds - Fine Gardening

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    Red-hot poker

    Kniphofia uvaria

    These tall spikes top off the perennial border with a burst of tropical-red racemes.

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    Sullivant’s milkweed

    Asclepias sullivantii

    Sullivant's milkweed is a long-lived perennial and a well-behaved relative of the common milkweed.

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    Heatwave™ Blaze Sage

    Salvia 'EGGBEN005' P.P.#24,151

    This aromatic, evergreen shrub produces massed displays of dark crimson blooms from spring to fall. Easy to grow, with a compact, rounded habit and exceptional tolerance for dry conditions. Ideal…

  • Plant Guide

    Nodding onion

    Allium cernuum

    This plant produces open clusters of pinkish purple, droplet-shaped flowers along drooping, arching 2-foot-tall stems.

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    Salvia pachyphylla

    Salvia pachyphylla

    Giant-flowered purple sage has been winning over gardeners the past few years for its remarkable summer blooms and tough-as-nails demeanor.

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    Calibrachoa Superbells® Dreamsicle

    Calibrachoa  Superbells® Dreamsicle

    Calibrachoas are great alternatives to petunias.

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    ‘Indigo Spires’ sage

    Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’

    'Indigo Spires' sage is a vigorous hybrid prized for its 12- to 15-inch-long, twisting spikes of dark violet flowers.

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    ‘Walker’s Low’ catmint

    Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low'

    This mound of lavender-blue flowers and aromatic, grayish green leaves up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide is great as edging or in a border, herb, or rock garden.

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    Cardinal penstemon

    Penstemon cardinalis

    This New Mexico/Texas native offers the garden spikes of dangling, rich red flowers in midsummer that attract hummingbirds.

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    Germander sage

    Salvia chamaedryoides

    This choice species boasts narrow, downy sage-green leaves and true sky-blue blossoms from summer to fall.