10 to 15 feet - Page 2 of 8 - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    Variegated silverberry

    Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata'

    This evergreen shrub can light up the dark corners of a garden.

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    Royal azalea

    Rho­dodendron schlippenbachii

    Royal azalea has large, fragrant pink blooms in spring.

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    Peegee hydrangea

    Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’

    Large, sometimes giant white flower heads reaching 6 to 18 inches long turn pinkish with age.

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    Rusty blackhaw viburnum

    Viburnum rufidulum

    While North American native viburnums occur most commonly in the eastern United States, rusty blackhaw viburnum flirts with the edge of the Plains.

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    Chinese wild ginger

    Asarum splendens

    There are many species and varie­­ties of wild ginger, but this vigorous, fast-growing, and beau­tiful species tops my list.

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    Desert Willow

    Chilopsis linearis

    Desert willow is shrub native to the Southwest U.

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    Montgomery palm

    Veitchia montgomeryana

    This tropical palm grows to 35 feet tall and has stiff, feathery-textured fronds.

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    Panicle hydrangea

    Hydrangea paniculata

    This plant produces gracefully arching branches and pyramidal clusters of white, then pink-tinged to dusky purple blossoms.

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    Chinese snowball viburnum

    Viburnum macrocephalum

    This semi-evergreen or evergreen shrub has a rounded form.

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    Possumhaw holly

    Ilex decidua

    While the fresh green leaves and smooth, light gray stems are enough to make possumhaw holly an attractive shrub, the appeal of this plant is more evident in late fall.