Crocosmia‘s iris family lineage can be seen in its lance-shaped, pointed leaves and colorful flowers. The blooms are funnel-shaped and top wiry stems in midsummer to late summer. They make great cut flowers, and the plants are useful in a shrub garden, border, or cut flower garden. Be sure to grow them in good-sized clumps for best effect.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsIris-like leaves and brightly colored flowers on wiry stems. Excellent cut flowers. Tough plants that are easy to grow.
CareProvide full sun or partial shade and humusy, moist, but well-drained soil. Divide congested clumps in spring.
PropagationDivide in spring before new growth commences, or sow seed in a cold frame as soon as it is ripe.
ProblemsSpider mites.