Chris McLaughlin

Chris McLaughlin has been gardening and studying plants for over thirty-five years. She’s the author of six books: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Composting (Alpha Books), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables (Alpha Books), Hobby Farms: Small-Space Rabbit Keeping (BowTie Press), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Small-Space Gardening (Alpha Books), Vertical Vegetable Gardening (Alpha Books), and A Garden to Dye For (St. Lynn’s Press).

Chris is the associate editor for From Scratch Magazine and a staff contributor to Vegetable Her work has appeared magazines such as Urban Farm Magazine, Hobby Farm Home Magazine, The Herb Companion,The Heirloom Gardener, and Fine Gardening Magazine.

Chris is the mother of four, grandmother of five, and lives on a small flower farm in Northern California’s Gold Country with her family and more animals than she will admit to. Between breaths, Chris attempts to keep up with her her own website, Laughing Crow & Company (

Follow her on Twitter @Suburban_Farmer