Southern Plains - Page 2 of 21 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of pink and orange multicolored roses

    Revisiting AcAcia’s Garden

    We’re in Houston today visiting with AcAcia Johnson. We’ve visited her garden before to see her beautiful roses, which she grows in containers (Roses in Texas). Today she’s back to…

  • Texas Liatris

    Pollinator Plants for the Southern Plains

    Whether you have the space to create an expansive, pollinator-friendly landscape or just enough room to pot up a couple plants that are pollinator favorites, we can all do our…

  • close up of a large pink rose bloom

    Roses in Texas

    Today we’re off to Houston to visit AcAcia’s beautiful garden. Hi y’all! My name is AcAcia. I thank you all so much for joining me on my gardening journey. Gardening…

  • native vines

    Great Native Vines to Replace Invasive Species

    Vines play a special role in the garden, covering vast amounts of space with little investment from us. Most vines are chosen for their climbing ability and used to add…

  • Claire Grace Wild Bee Balm

    Peak-Season Perennials for the Southern Plains

    While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…

  • planning a firewise landscape

    Planning a Firewise Landscape

    With urban expansion pushing communities farther into natural areas, wildfires are growing more and more problematic for homeowners. Subdivisions and individual homes surrounded by natural landscapes face special wildfire risks.…

  • blackberry varieties

    Growing Blackberries in Southern Gardens

    Blackberries are a rewarding crop to grow and one that tolerates the high heat of the Southern Plains. In recent years, improvements in pest resistance and reduced chilling requirements of…

  • close up of red texas star hibiscus flower

    Texas Flowers

    My name is Charlona, and I garden in Houston. I love all kinds of flowers and try to garden for as many pollinators and their caterpillars as possible. I was…

  • Article

    Shopping-List Plants for the Southern Plains

    Little kids have Christmas. Gardeners have spring. To anyone who loves plants, this is the most wonderful time of the year. As warmer weather approaches, gardeners across the country eagerly anticipate…


    Shade-Loving Shrubs for the Southern Plains

    Finding interesting plants for shade can be a struggle, but when you add in the desire for that plant to be a woody shrub, the list narrows even more. But…