Pruning - Page 5 of 25

  • How-To

    South: February Garden To-Do List

    Don’t let any mild days pass by this month. There is plenty to do in the garden. Spring ephemerals are starting their show, and some of the earliest-blooming landscape plants…

  • How-To

    Mid-Atlantic: February Garden To-Do List

    As every gardener knows, February is a bittersweet month. Yearning to be outside while the garden is dormant and often snow covered can be depressing for those who spend most…

  • How-To

    Northeast: February Garden To-Do List

    February brings uncertain weather and tests a gardener’s patience. It can feel like the Longest. Month. Ever. But stay strong. The changes in the length of days will begin to…

  • How-To

    Midwest: February Garden To-Do List

    Consider plants for winter interest. As Midwestern winters bring more frequent episodes of heavy snow, ice, and winter rain, the garden can look pretty bedraggled by February. Visit your local…

  • How-To

    Southern Plains: February Garden To-Do List

    Transplant spring- and summer-blooming perennials such as ‘Henry Duelberg’ mealy blue sage (Salvia farinacea ‘Henry Duelberg’, Zones 8–10), spring obedient plant (Physostegia intermedia, Zones 6–9), and square-bud primrose (Calylophus berlandieri,…

  • pruning crape myrtles

    Pruning Crape Myrtles in the Southeast

    Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp. and cvs., Zones 6–9) is one of the most popular and beloved shrubs in the Southeast. But knowing how and when to prune is crucial for…

  • Article

    Southern California: January Garden To-Do List

    The holidays are now past, and it’s time to break down your decorations and put everything away. Before hauling the tree to the curb, consider how much of it can…

  • Article

    Northern California: January Garden To-Do List

    Though January is often the coldest and dampest month of the year for Northern Californian gardeners, it's also the perfect time for tidying up after last year, readying your garden…

  • pruning japanese maples

    An Easy Approach to Pruning Japanese Maples

    The first trees appeared on earth about 400 million years ago, and they did just fine for many millennia before humans arrived on the scene. So before we get all…

  • Article

    Southwest November Garden To-Do List

    We officially made it to November. The air is cooler, our windows are open, and what leaves we do have are falling. The javelinas and other wildlife in your area…