Garden Photo of the Day

Wendy’s Cottage Garden

A collector's garden of beauty

We’re in Wendy Lagozzino’s beautiful garden today.

I have an English-style cottage garden surrounding a house built in 1900. Back in the 1980s, I changed the landscape during a remodel to a two-tiered backyard and a roof garden over a garage in the front. The side yard has a plastic grid planted with ground covers to replace a mushy lawn. There is a shed in the backyard planted with a green roof. I am a collector and probably have way more perennials than I have any business fitting in! My basement ceiling is made up of everlastings I have grown over the years. Obviously, I have lived here for many years, and my garden is my passion.

Pasque flower
Pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris, Zones 4–8) displays its dark red flowers, with the older ones already transforming into beautiful heads of silky seeds.

meadow rueThe fine, fluffy flowers of meadow rue (Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Zones 5–8)

The face of a piece of garden art is hidden among the leaves.The face of a piece of garden art is hidden among the leaves.

dappled willowThe pink-and-white patterned leaves of dappled willow (Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, Zones 5–7) make a great backdrop for a stand of ornamental onions (Allium sp.).

Pink penstemon and lobeliaPink penstemon (Penstemon digitalis, Zones 3–8) flowers combine with the blue of annual lobelia (Lobelia erinus, annual).

bright primroseA bright primrose (Primula hybrid, Zones 4–8) is surrounded by the soft blue-and-white blooms of Omphalodes cappadocica ‘Starry Eyes’ (Zones 6–9).

The seed heads of poppies (Papaver somniferum, annual) mingle with a cloud of blue and lavender blooms.The seed heads of poppies (Papaver somniferum, annual) mingle with a cloud of blue and lavender blooms.

A huge plant of variegated Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra, Zone 5 – 9) makes a great backdrop for colorful blooms of Cuphea schumatii (Zone 8 - 9 or as annual) and an Allium (Zone 4 - 8)

View of the garden showing the dense tapestry of perennials filling the space.This view of the garden shows the dense tapestry of perennials filling the space.

View 8 comments


  1. nwphilagardener 11/04/2021

    I love the photo of primroses that also features the tubular flowers of blue corydalis. The form of those flowers contributed to the richness of that blooming moment.

  2. gardendevas 11/04/2021

    What a glorious garden! I would love to come ramble through this space and explore this lushness firsthand.

  3. sagebird52 11/04/2021

    Fabulous ! love all the colors and plant mixtures, I imagine the birds, butterflies and bees love it as well.

  4. User avater
    treasuresmom 11/04/2021

    So very lovely!

  5. btucker9675 11/04/2021

    Be still my heart! This is a sumptuous garden and your use of colors, shapes and textures is magical. This brightened up a dreary morning for me here in NC.

  6. User avater
    simplesue 11/04/2021

    Wow, I really understood how many perennials you have with the last photo of the garden view!
    You really have success growing perennials- looks great!

  7. foxglove12 11/04/2021

    So beautiful and fun. There is nothing better than a full english garden. Great job.

  8. [email protected] 11/04/2021

    I want to see more! So many interesting and beautiful things to observe. Thanks!

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