A large genus of over 400 perennials, many from the Himalayas and nearly all from the Northern hemisphere. Their foliage grows in rosettes and their often showy flowers are tubular, bell-shaped, or funnel-shaped. There is a primrose for many garden situations, including waterside, borders, rock gardens, alpine houses, and bedding.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsMany hybrids are classified into one of five groups: candelabra, auricula, polyanthus, acaulis, or juliana.
CareCultivation requirements vary by horticultural group. Refer to species descriptions.
PropagationDivide plants in early spring. Tender species may be started from seed in early spring, while hardy species should be started when seed is fresh or in late winter or early spring. Alternatively, take basal cuttings in fall or spring, or root cuttings during winter dormancy.
ProblemsAphids, spider mites, weevils, slugs, Botrytis, viruses, root rot, rust, leaf spots.