Garden Photo of the Day

Transforming a garden with good bones

terracotta warrior and container plants with white and purple flowers on a patio

When Joan Stogryn-Galloway bought her home she found a perfect stage for her love of gardening and travel memories!

“When we bought our house in late winter 5 years ago we fell in love with the “bones” of the garden, the hardscaping and the trees. When we moved in that summer we discovered that the shrubs had all been sheared into twiggy balls and the beds were solid with cedar roots and covered with invasive ivy, horsetail, ostrich ferns and periwinkle. After a lot of digging, pulling, amending and planting the garden has been transformed. 

The shady areas are lit up with chartreuse tones from the Hakonecloa grasses and  yellow toned hostas. I’ve used purple leaved foliage to set off the chartreuse tones and fired it up with lots of hot colors for the summer sun beds and then cooling white in the patio containers. The trickling waterfall from the stream into the pond helps to cool off hot afternoons and create a relaxing mood. We’ve also added art objects, some from our travels – a Terracotta warrior from China and a large mask from Belize.”

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spiky red and pink and white flowered plants in container on the patiocolorful plants with yellows, orange, pinks, reds, purples and greens with a short stone wall borderstone steps by a pond bordered by colorful plantings and a container planttree surrounded by various plantings along a lawn edge

View 21 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/04/2015

    You have certainly done spectacular justice to what you felt were the great "bones" of this property, Joan. Now that handsome bluestone patio is brought to life with your elegant containers filled with such beautiful plant gives off a very sophisticated and serene vibe. All that is so effectively balanced by the vibrancy of the hot colors you gaze out on. Are the two bold clumps of kniphofia the old fashioned type or one of the newer dwarfish varieties that have continuous bloom spikes? I'd love to see some additional pictures that show more completely your water feature...the peeks of it are intriguing.

  2. user-4691082 08/04/2015

    To say I am impressed would be an understatement! I am so envious of your bones! I love everything! I don't say that too often... More pictures please!

  3. VikkiVA 08/04/2015

    Stunning garden! You have created a landscape that is not only beautiful but also relaxing in its composition. I love all your combinations and your potted creations are to die for. Vikki in VA.

  4. User avater
    HelloFromMD 08/04/2015

    Wow Joan, the power of repeating a theme. You know how to fire up the garden with orange. Magnificent sun border and stone wall edging. Repeating the containers, great idea and beautifully executed.

  5. greengenes 08/04/2015

    Good morning, Joan. Thanks for sharing your gardens with us. Iam very excited to see the huge clumps of kniphofias! Beautiful! It so hard to imagine what it must of looked like when you first moved in. There was a lot of work done for sure! You have done a wonderful job on selection of plants. Its all bright and happy!

  6. sheila_schultz 08/04/2015

    Soothing colors and hot, passionate colors... you use them both in your gardens and containers so beautifully, Joan. Add to that all the beautiful texture and you have created a wonderful piece of living art surrounding your home. I'm taking notes!

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/04/2015

    Outrageous! Love everything. The explosion of colors in the bed with the Kniphophia is killer. Hakone grass, ligularia, hardy begonia: a cast of all-stars. What's in the container to the left in the first photo? Oregano?

    1. GrannyCC 08/04/2015

      Hi Tim I think that might be Origanum "Kent Beauty".

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/04/2015

        Thanks Catherine. Could be. I have Origanum libianoticum. It's pretty cool, but not quite so colorful as the plant in the photo or Kent Beauty.

        1. NCYarden 08/04/2015

          I would be willing to bet it's Origanum laevigatum 'Lizzie' considering the intense pink bloom. Kent Beauty tends to gradient from purplish pink to very light green, and a bit on the pastel side. Just a guess.
          This is kinda fun, like a game. Maybe we should begin to incorporate one mystery plant per posting.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/04/2015

            I really enjoy the 'name that plant' game, but sometimes I wonder if I am just being obnoxious ,guessing before the person who is posting has a chance to answer. Hopefully folks see it as having fun: you certainly do! Never heard of Lizzie: love it.

          2. User avater
            meander_michaele 08/05/2015

            Some photo contributors don't join in the "conversation" throughout the day so I appreciate when someone else pops in to supply a name or other helpful info.

          3. Cenepk10 08/06/2015

            No. You are not obnoxious. We love you ;)

          4. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/06/2015

            Awwwwwww! Shucks. Thanks.

  8. GrannyCC 08/04/2015

    Love that sunny border!! Your colours are fabulous. Great use of different textures and colours in the shade beds. Your planters are wonderful too. Love to see some before pictures. Sounds like it was a lot of work.

  9. Nurserynotnordstroms 08/04/2015

    Joan,your gardens are meticulous and gorgeous. Bright hot hot colors but perfectly balanced. Preparation for the end result is so important and your patience in doing that has definetly paid off.

  10. NCYarden 08/04/2015

    Gotta love the structure that was in place. Great foundation to garden around - very fortunate. The color pop is awesome in your plant choices. Very beautiful indeed. Thank you for sharing.

  11. foxglove12 08/04/2015

    So lush. Love, love, love the white flowers!

  12. BoxwoodBarbara 08/04/2015

    Joan, your choice of color and texture combinations is superb. I'm especially taken with your juxtaposition of blue hostas and chartreuse hakonechloa grass, and admire your blend of plantings and hardscaping. I couldn't tell where you garden–no state was mentioned– but if you are subject to winter freezes, I hope you will take in your prized terra-cotta sculpture well beforehand..

  13. patchabot 08/04/2015

    I have had the pleasure of enjoying a wonderful lunch in this garden near Vancouver British Columbia. Considering our very hot dry water parched summer, this garden is stunning! We would all like to see photos of it in the other seasons. Many many interesting plants here to feast our eyes on. Thanks Joan for opening your garden to our club and for sharing your labours with the larger world.

  14. user-7007761 08/11/2015

    Simply lovely and gorgeous!

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