Garden Photo of the Day

Tour the Giving Garden (and more!)

If you're going to be in NC in June, you might want to check this out! Thanks to Cynthia Morris for sharing these lovely photos!

"NC Garden Tour presented by the NC Cooperative Extension Foundation, Haywood Co Extension Center & Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. Tour will take place on Saturday, June 18, and will include a an Official Monarch WayStation, an Orchard and Apiary, lush gardens with multiple beds of shade and sun plants plus the "Giving Garden" at the Canton NC Library.  If anyone will be in the area, tickets go on sale May 7 and can be ordered through [email protected] or by calling 828-456-3575."

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  1. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/29/2016

    Thanks, Cynthia. It's always nice to see what the Master Gardeners are doing in other communities. This garden looks beautifully tended and versatile so you must have a number of volunteers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. BoxwoodBarbara 03/29/2016

    Would that all public (and private) gardens were as well-labeled as this one! Thanks for sharing the information.about this lovely garden.

  3. User avater
    gringopeligroso 03/29/2016

    Will you Look at that Soil???!!!! Used to live in Appalachia in a past life and your views make me homesick. Sigh... But, life and time marches on. Your capture of the Apiary/Orchard in spring is inspiring to us, as our hive is also in our very young orchard, but our trees have years to go before they have that kind of stature and show! (And, hopefully sweet harvest!) And, I'll bet sitting in the Gazebo Swing is magical with all the hummers flitting around and about the Crocosmias!!
    And, there's just something about teaching gardens which is also magical! Perhaps it's the gathering of so many souls to a common interest and purpose. Kinda makes these places "Hallowed Grounds!" Places like this one certainly do Reconnect and Refresh our so many, many ways!!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/29/2016

    This is such a beautiful part of NC and I'm sure all the gardens that are on the tour will be drool worthy. The Giving garden looks like a wonderful endeavor and it's so nice that it is well supported in the area.

  5. Cenepk10 03/29/2016

    Those lillies!!!!!

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