Garden Photo of the Day

Ferns and more!

Cherry Ong (Perennially Crazy) from Richmond, BC, Canada shares lovely ferns and more!

"Most of the photos were taken at the Fern Dell of the gardens. A few were taken along the Laburnum Walk, the Rhododendron Walk and The Japanese Garden."

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View 50 comments


  1. user-7007498 04/26/2016

    Cherry: Love the beautiful photos of part of your garden. Ferns are so cool. They provide great contrast in the shade garden, and combine so well with so many plants. They are also one of the plants I love to touch when walking about in the garden. The athryrium ('Ghost' , I presume) is lovely. I find the color is awesome when paired with blue hostas.

    Thanks so much for sharing. Ferns evoke such a peaceful feeling.

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/26/2016

      Thanks Kevin. Most of the photos above were taken along the Rhododendron Walk and the Laburnum Walk of the Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, BC. (and not my garden...)

      Athyrium are found in various garden rooms at Van Dusen. The photo above is from the Japanese Garden I believe. Some of the photos below are from the Fern Dell which I bet you will love. Please enjoy!

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/26/2016

        Cherry, these are even more magical than the set on the blog post. I've been wanting Arachnoides simplifier variegata (next to last photo) for years! The cascade of what looks like Adiantum venustum is killer. I need a nice damp hillside on which to to crate that green cascade!

        1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

          Thanks Tim. Just planted a grouping of Adiantum in my garden this weekend. Fingers crossed they like the spot we picked and will thrive there. I also got one in a container. Too much? Anyway, more photos above showing spring flowers and miscellany at Van Dusen. Please enjoy.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/27/2016

            Too much A. venustum? Not a chance. Waiting for mine to spread its wings so I can divide it. It took a hit like my other ferns with the freeze, but is starting to send up new fronds again. Cheers!

      2. user-7007498 04/27/2016

        Cherry, thanks for sharing the additional pics. They are stunning. Love them.

        1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

          More photos above showing the floriferous side of Van Dusen this Spring... well, if you are a floramaniac that is. Have a great week Kevin!

          1. schatzi 04/27/2016

            I am definitely a floramaniac! Love all your pix - you must take millions of photos! Isn't it great that we don't use film anymore?
            My husband loved the Ford tractor...

  2. jeffgoodearth 04/26/2016

    Ferns are always a beautiful addition to any garden and these are exceptional.

    1. Meelianthus 04/26/2016

      I love your 'selfie' Jeff - but you really should get a hair cut.

      1. jeffgoodearth 04/26/2016

        Ha! Meelianthus, there is no time for a haircut at this time of year. I won't be pruned and sheared until Memorial Day :)

      2. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016


  3. Jay_Sifford 04/26/2016

    Where's the "love" button? Cherry, you know that ferns are very close to my heart. I never tire of seeing them. Come to think of it, when I get back to town, I should send in some photos of mine now that the japanese fern glen is really starting to fill in. Keep those beautiful photos coming, Cherry. Thanks!!!

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/26/2016

      Get home and get out your camera and send in the fern glen update, please!!

    2. perenniallycrazy 04/26/2016

      Thanks Jay and I'm seconding what Tim said.

  4. NCYarden 04/26/2016

    Just one of the best textured plants ever. Such a lively addition to any garden, individually or en masse. Great photos, Cherry. Thank you for sharing.

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/26/2016

      Thanks NC Yarden. How are your Japanese maples these days? Hope you send in some photos soon. =)

      1. NCYarden 04/26/2016

        The maples are awesome. I haven't submitted any pictures in quite a while, but I just sent in a bunch of photos of the maples last week with all their Spring displays. I thought folks would really enjoy the blast of colors and leaf forms. Hopefully they will be posted soon.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/26/2016

    Sigh...a generous clump of ferns is so alluring and welcoming. They whisper a constant stream of sweet nothings (or somethings) that seem to say "come closer, gaze upon me, rest with me..." Who can resist? I have been surprised at how generously Japanese Painted ferns reseed in my garden. I find itty bitty babies tucked in the most surprising places and am delighted each time I spot a newcomer. These pictures are so beautiful, Cherry. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/26/2016

      Are you noticing variety in your new fernlings? Mine finally started making babies when I let moss grow up nearby, and each new fern seems a little bit different from its parents.

      1. NCYarden 04/26/2016

        I notice some variations. I have one baby in particular that is quite striking (well at least to me). Must be some sort of "shady" liaisons going on in the understory.

        1. User avater
          Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/26/2016

          Fifty shades of Ferns.
          I have some I really like, too. The difference is subtle and sometimes is less striking as the season wears on. I have one that is iridescent silver green when it is fresh: not like "Ghost", though. Now, I think I moved it and can't remember where it is, and all of my painted ferns froze, so they're just getting some new leaves again. Ok, Tim, go back to work.....

      2. User avater
        meander_michaele 04/26/2016

        "fernlings"...such an adorable "puppies" and "kittens"...evokes cuteness and a desire to nurture. It is fascinating to see the variety in the babies and they are all my favorites!

  6. user-4691082 04/26/2016

    Cherry, I can't believe you have tulips and ferns at the same time! Here, the ferns are just unfurling, and the tulips are nearly finished! Beautiful! I love, love, love Japanese painted ferns. ?

  7. willysmom 04/26/2016

    Ferns are my favorite group of plants, especially when so beautifully photographed -- and especially when it is SNOWING here in Maine (ok, lightly: but still). Many thanks for this breath of spring!

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

      Thanks Ginny. Lots of flower photos from Van Dusen to bring you Spring cheer. Hope Spring is another day closer to you tomorrow. =)

  8. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 04/26/2016

    Thanks, Cherry, for a walk through Van Dusen, one of our favorite Vancouver gardens. Are the Laburnums flowering there yet? Some seem to come out earlier than others. The ferns are so pretty in the spring. My favorite is the Himalayan Maidenhair. I really enjoyed your other photos, too.

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/26/2016

      Same here. Thank you Linda.

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/26/2016

    You are so blessed and privileged to live near Van Dusen. Thanks for sharing your fern visit! Love them.

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/26/2016

      Indeed I am, Membership really pays. =)

  10. GrannyMay 04/26/2016

    I love all parts of Van Dusen Gardens and ferns are one of my favourite plants wherever they grow. Beautiful shots! Thanks Cherry!

  11. annek 04/26/2016

    Very impressive array of photos, Cherry. What a good eye you have for special compositions. I could easily lust after each and everyone of the ferns you displayed. Thanks for the treat!

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

      More photos above to a certified floramaniac. Please enjoy!

  12. PeonyFan 04/26/2016

    Wonderful photos; so beautiful. Thank you.

  13. GrannyCC 04/26/2016

    Thanks for sharing Cherry. Van Dusen is such a wonderful garden. Lovely photos.

  14. schatzi 04/26/2016

    Cherry, your photos are superb, especially the ones in your message below. Beautiful. I too love ferns and these are lovely. Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful garden.

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

      Thanks Shirley. Wondering how you've been? Hope all is well. I've shared some more photos above showing the floriferous side of Van Dusen this April. Please enjoy.

      1. schatzi 04/27/2016

        I enjoyed the F&GS this year, but missed seeing everyone like the year before. I guess that was once in a lifetime, but it sure was fun to meet everyone. I am enjoying the progress of spring and hope to get up to see you one summer - maybe this will be the year. Stay well and enjoy.

        1. perenniallycrazy 04/28/2016

          Hey, there's always next year! Try and try again I say.... =)

  15. sheila_schultz 04/26/2016

    There's something so magical about ferns... from the moment they start unfurling to the way they sway in the lightest of breezes. Your photos are beautiful, as always, Cherry!

  16. user-3565112 04/26/2016

    Your photos are beautiful in the way they show the color variations in the individual plants. Ferns are so delicate looking but they are tough. I thought I lost mine last August due to heat & loss of shade but they are back now in force. Thank you for the photos & good luck this spring, Joe

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

      Glad to hear your ferns are back Joe. Keeping my fingers crossed that we won't have drought this summer, but I am prepared. Have a great week!

  17. janeeliz 04/26/2016

    What a delight to see your beautiful photos of ferns on a snowy day in Maine. Stunning photography in a most elegant garden!

    1. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

      Thank you Jane. Not sure if you are a floramaniac,,, if you are, more photos above showing the floriferous side of spring at Van Dusen. Please enjoy.

  18. views_opinion 04/26/2016

    Beautiful Greenery and fresh air. Comforting for eyes and good for mind and body. Keep making the earth a beautiful place. Happy Gardening!

  19. perenniallycrazy 04/27/2016

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Those ostrich ferns at the garden at truly spectacular every spring. I return each year to see them along with all kinds of spring ephemerals.

    Kudos to the staff and volunteers of Van Dusen Botanical Garden! I think they all do a fantastic job. I hope you all will take the time to visit this garden if you're ever in Vancouver.

    Here are a few more teasers of their lovely spring garden (especially for all the floramaniacs out there). Please click on each photo to view and enjoy its full size.

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/27/2016

      What a treasure!

  20. donotchangemyname 04/27/2016

    Everybody should plant flowers

  21. Cenepk10 04/28/2016

    Love them. They get better with age down here in Georgia

  22. user-7008037 05/01/2016

    Ferns and mosses give me a very rustic yet sophisticated feel. I have two ferns in pots which have become the cynosures of my humble balcony.
    I must commend your photography skills as well! Brilliant pictures :)

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