Garden Photo of the Day

Through the garden gate in Gail’s garden in Oklahoma

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Gail Wynne

We visited Gail Wynne’s garden in north central Oklahoma almost a year ago (refresh your memory HERE), and today she’s back with a few more photos.

She says, “These are photos of the garden gate entrance to our backyard. The pictures are from several different years and seasons. The season for this area begins in mid February when I plant lettuce along the edge of this small bed. It comes on early before I can add impatiens and Caladiums in it’s place.

“Some years I just pull all the lettuce as it begins to bolt. Other years I interplant the impatiens with the lettuce. It just depends on how thick the lettuce is and how quickly it gets hot. The Wisteria covering the gate is glorious when it blooms. Unfortunately last year the late-season freezes and ice eliminated all the blooms.”

Gail, I have a feeling there is SOOOOO much more to see. Be sure to send more photos this season!

**** Share your garden story…. Email me with photos and words at [email protected]. ****

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View 13 comments


  1. gloriaj 04/16/2014

    Gail your garden is beautiful. When I saw your garden gate, I was envious because I have always wanted a garden gate, but my property is not large enough. Then I saw your Hydrangea, one of my favorite plant next to roses. I have the same Hydrangea as in your garden and have had it about 20yrs. I love what you did with the lettuce incorporating the various varieties into the border

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/16/2014

    Very classy, and who knew that a dense planting of lettuce could be so beautiful!?

  3. flowerladydi 04/16/2014

    Good morning Gail,,,,,, there is something so inviting about a gate,, and especially a white one with meandering wisteria and greenery all around it! So charming!,, it just begs you to pass through to see what is on the other side,,,,yet what is on the entrance is so wonderful! Love the hydrangea, and those caladiums are wonderful! I am jealous of your ' early ' spring too!,,, our weather just can not decide if it ever wants to get nice and will just not let go of winter! Soon I Hope!
    Great idea to plant the impatiens with the lettuce!,,, it all looks so great!
    As Michele said, ' I have a feeling there is so much more to see ' !, so, please, send more!!

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    meander_michaele 04/16/2014

    My, oh my, Gail, you definitely have the magic not only create beauty but you have the gift to capture it perfectly in pictures. I am totally beguiled by the lush cascade of the wisteria blooms and the charming addition of the pop of yellow from the bicycle. I feel like I have been transported back to Mayberry, USA and Aunt Bee has just put a warm pie on the windowsill to cool. Thanks for starting my day out with such a feeling of old fashioned graciousness.

  5. tractor1 04/16/2014

    All that lettuce Is urging me to build a huge salad for dinner tonight. Your wisteria frames your garden gate with perfection... and I love your Electra bicycle;
    Thank you, Gail, and please send more pictures.

  6. CJgardens 04/16/2014

    Lovely gate (through-out the seasons.) The lettuce photo is great and I have to find a spot to try it too. I looked over your previous submission and checked out your blog. I spent an hour on your blog and enjoyed it thoroughly. Hope you will show us how your trenches of new tulips turned out.
    Thanks for sharing and hope to see many more pictures.

  7. annek 04/16/2014

    Michelle's oft-used word is perfect here: "Dreamy...."

  8. wildthyme 04/16/2014

    What is it about a white house that sets off the soft colors of a cottage garden so beautifully? Your use of lettuce as a border is inspired, Gail, and that wisteria is spectacular . . . I can almost smell the fragrance right through your photo! Beautifully done.

  9. GrannyMay 04/16/2014

    Beautiful! The Wisteria sets off your white fence and gate perfectly! Gail, I can imagine walking through the heavenly scent into that charming garden. My favourite view is the enticing glimpse of it in the 4th picture on the left. Such a great idea to grow lettuces in the early spring and then replace them with annuals. And I love how you have photographed them with the kneeling pad and scissors. Salad ready in a second! I hope you will share more photos soon.

  10. sheila_schultz 04/16/2014

    Gail, you've fast-forwarded us all the way to summer... thank you!

  11. GailBW 04/16/2014

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I'm fortunate to be married to a hobby carpenter who is responsible for the gate and fence which is perfect for my Cape Cod on the prairie.
    I love edging beds in lettuce. Johnny's Encore Mix is one of my favorites. I also like it on the edge of big pots. This weekend is the annual Easter Egg Hunt for my church so it will be a great hiding place for lots of eggs. I often over due the lettuce, but my local food pantry loves getting it to give to their clients.

    Yes, I will blog about the trench of tulips from last fall's blog. They should peak soon so expect it in the next week or two.

  12. cwheat000 04/16/2014

    The yellow bike is nostalgic for me. I had a yellow bike as a kid with a big basket on the front and streamers on the handle bars. Your garden is so wonderfully romantic. Even your well worn tools look like a work of art. I vow to add more edibles to my flower borders. You have proven they are beautiful. PS- I like your interesting caladium varieties.

  13. Meelianthus 04/16/2014

    Hello Gail ~ I posted a message to you after viewing your wonderful gardens but I put it in the wrong place. So return to your 2013 GPOD postings so I can tell you how VERY much I enjoyed your blog. Thanks

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