Peggy Fox is a regular contributor to the GPOD, and she has just shared some wonderful images of her garden in autumn.
This is Peggy Fox, in Gig Harbor, Washington. You said you were looking for photos of gardens in their fall mode; here are some from this fall and some from October a year ago. I’ve submitted photos several times to GPOD in the past five or so years. (If you missed those posts, check some of them out, starting here. You won’t be disappointed!). Many of these are photos of the change from summer to fall—fall color but with summer things just finishing.
This lavender multifida (Lavandula multifida, Zones 8–10) decided to send out a few more blooms before the frost. Though not as cold hardy as some species, this lavender makes up for it by blooming over a very long period.
The lovely little fall-blooming Saxifrage fortunei ‘Pink Elf’ (Zones 7–9), from Dan Hinkley, poking up through fallen prunus leaves.
Berberis ‘Helmond Pillar’ (Japanese barberry, Zones 4–8) and Hakonachloa aurea (Japanese forest grass, Zones 5–9) along the stone steps.
The last Scabiosa caucasica ‘Fama’ (Pincushion flower, Zones 4–9).
Redbud ‘Forest Pansy’ (Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’, Zones 5–9) and Hakonachloa aurea.
Here is some fun fall color from Cotinus ‘Grace’ (Grace smoke tree, Zones 5–9).
Euphorbia on a dewy fall morning.
Rosa rugosa (Zones 2–9), pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana, Zones 7–11), and Cotinus ‘Grace’ contributing to fall’s color scheme.
Echeveria ‘Topsy Turvy’ (Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’, Zones 9–11). I love its salmony fall flowers!
Cotinus ‘Grace’
Hens and chicks (Sempervivum spp. Zones 3–11) getting bronzy. Hens and chicks will develop the reddest colors if given bright sun, cool temperatures, and well-drained soils.
Have a garden you’d like to share?
Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!
To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.
If you want to send photos in separate emails to the GPOD email box that is just fine.
Have a mobile phone? Tag your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!
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Well, Peggy, I gotta' say...you are as talented behind the camera as you are nurturing the subjects that are so camera worthy. I particularly love the photo of 'Grace' with the perfect blue sky as its backdrop. The interesting pattern on the leaves is like Mother Nature communicating in her own secret language.
And the cascading tumble of Japanese Forest grass even in its buff colored stage fills my heart with delight.
Thank you! I really love to wander around in the garden and document what’s going on!
Hi, Peggy! Looked back at your earlier photos and remembered that yours was one of those "Ooh! Aah!" gardens that one just drools over. Such lovely photos, it is hard to pick a favorite but that saxifrage really stopped me in my tracks. Unfortunately, zone 7-9 does describe even southern Wisconsin where we had our first snow today.
Thank you for your kind comments about the garden! And Wow - snow already... we’re not ready for snow here yet; I just finished insulating my greenhouse for the winter. Now to move all of the tender things into it before the first hard frost!
What a perfectly stunning garden you have made - thank you for sharing these beautiful photos!
Thank you! I really love to play with color and texture in the garden.
Love that Saxifrage.
Isn’t it cool?! It’s out even more fully this week; It really makes you slow down and look at it, it’s such an unexpected color for this time of year, and the blooms are quite large.
MARVELOUS! Love the colors, love the design, love the pics!!! As fall is winding down here, (western NC) I'm afraid I do get a little sad. 4 1/2 months of blah to look forward to. Up and down temps and only gardening magazines to keep me company. (Of course, there are the cats!) YOU MADE MY DAY!!!
Cats are indispensable, especially for curling up with while dreaming about the next spring! And thanks for your kind words!
Can't wait to look at these again, and to look back at previous postings. I am may 40 minutes from you over in Maple Valley, and it's fun to see gardens similar to mine in zone, climate, etc. Lucky you to be near a nice Native Plant nursery I only discovered this past summer! Love your garden!
Peggy, all of your photos are excellent - I rarely seem to be able to get the clarity that your photos have. I especially liked your Forest Pansy with the bird bath, and the cotinus against the intense blue sky. Thanks so much for sharing these great pictures!
Beautiful effect with the sunlight coming through red leaves in many of your photos. Did you make your birdbath? Beautiful garden!
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